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The Statistics group of attributes controls the output of useful statistics about the rendering process*.

The Statistics group

Report Rendering Statistics

This toggle enables the production of the rendering statistics. It is off by default.

Statistics File

This attribute is only available when Report Rendering Statistics is enabled. It specifies the filename where the rendering statistics are stored. By default, this attribute is set to 3delight/<scene>/<pass>.<ext>. Note that if you are rendering to a TIFF, you can specify the name of that TIFF file and the statistics will be stored inside that file. This is very useful to keep statistics bound to their rendered image. By default, this attribute is empty. 

Log Render Progress (in console or log file)

Turning on this attribute will make 3Delight report the rendering progress by default to the Console (which is bound to 'stderr'). Alternately, if the Render Mode is set to Export RIB File and Render, then this progress is stored in the file specified by the Render Log attribute (see Render Engine). Note: On Windows, the Console is the "Output Window" created by Maya. This attribute is off by default.



Code Block
titleSample Statistics File
Statistics for frame 1
Software version : 10.0.148 (Jun 17 2013, 3e8a59)
* Render Options :
    Render used the 'hidden' hider (REYES)
    Image resolution: 960 x 540
    Pixel oversampling: 3 x 3
    Total number of displays (AOVs) : 1
    Shared instances (for massive instancing) : on
* System :
    Total physical memory : 6.4GB
    CPU Physical cores count: 4, logical cores count: 8
    Render threads started by user : 8
    Network reads : 2.62 Mb total. Transfer rate: 2687.3 Kb/s
    Network writes : 2.49 Mb total. Transfer rate: 2550.5 Kb/s
    Load average: 1.7 1.7 1.6
    Time to first pixel : 0 seconds.
* Profiling :
    task                       time
    ReadArchive                  0.0
    raytracer init               0.1
    raytracing                   0.5
    surface shaders              0.1
    light shaders                0.0
    display drivers              0.0
    sampling                     0.2
    screen filtering             0.0
    REYES                        0.2
    procedural expansion         0.0
    Total :                      1.2
    Total process times (user/sys/real) : 6.98 / 0.12 / 1.17
    CPU use : 597% user + 10% sys = 608%
    Total number of u-polygons :            523836
    Average number of u-polygons per grid : 118.221
    projected grids :                       4431
    shaded grids :                          4046
    displaced grids :                       0
    total primitives :                      3
    efficiently rejected prims :            0
    Number of non-empty buckets :           1259
    Average # of objects per bucket :       27.9905
    Maximum # of objects in one bucket :    377
    Total trimming operations :             0
    Maximum u-polygon area :                2.814
    Minimum u-polygon area :                0
    Average u-polygon area :                0.76726
    Distribution of u-polygon area
    |<=.06|<=.09|<=.12|<=.18|<=.25|<=.35|<=.50|<=.71|<=  1|<=1.4|<=  2|<=2.8|<=  4|<=5.7|>5.7 |
    | .24%| .56%| .69%| 1.3%| 3.4%| 4.4%| 6.2%|  10%|  65%| 8.2%| .27%| .03%|   0%|   0%|   0%|
    Distribution of fragment list lengths
    |<=  1|<=  2|<=  3|<=  4|<=  5|<=  6|<=  7|<=  8|>  8 |
    |  86%|  10%| 3.7%| .36%| .04%| .01%| .00%| .00%| .00%|
    Curves grouping efficiency :     100.00 %
* Texture Cache :
    Cache size:                        0.133 G
    Overall texture cache efficiency:      0 %
    cache efficiency (2D texture):         0 %
    cache efficiency (misc texture):       0 %
    2D texture footprint:              0.000 G
    misc texture footprint:            0.000 G
* Point Based Occlusion :
    Number of evaluations               : 0
    Considered elements per evaluation  : 0
* Map Manager :
    Total number of maps used :            0
    Total number of texture maps :         0
    Total number of shadow maps :          0
    Total number of environment maps :     0
    Total number of deep shadow maps :     0
    Total number of 'invalid' maps :       0
    Total number of file open operations : 0
    Total number of map requests :         0
    Texture IDs
    Texture stats
    ID      Refs    Same    Search  Faults  Rate    Mipmap (min) Mipmap (max)
* Scene Manager :
    Number of objects in the scene :            3
    Number of attributes in the scene :         197
    Number of transforms in the scene :         196
    Primvar compression ratio :                 1.91751
    Saved memory due to compression : 1.6 Mb
* Memory Profiling :
    item                       current   peak
    unprocessed gprim              0      99 K
    gprim                          0      38 K
    gprim (polygons)             132     824
    gprim (subdiv)                 0       0
    gprim (curves)              2275 K  3171 K
    gprim variables             1542 K  1965 K
    particles                      0       0
    topology data                  0      23 K
    grid                           0    2682 K
    shaded grid                    0     133 K
    grid AOV                       0    1942 K
    texture objects                0       0
    texture cache                  0       0
    hider and visible points       0    1389 K
    image data                  4608    2023 K
    buffered display data          0       0
    shader code                   43 K    43 K
    shader instance             9912    9912
    shader variables               0     556 K
    attributes                    24 K    42 K
    transform                     17 K    29 K
    subsurface                     0       0
    point based occlusion          0       0
    point cloud                    0       0
    photon map                     0       0
    inline archive                 0       0
    ray tracer                  4558 K  4558 K
    ray tracer cache               0       0
    space partition             1611 K  1611 K
    diffuse ray cache              0       0
    misc                        1017 K   919 K
    Total :                       11 M    21 M
    Peak VM size     : 0 K
    Peak resident    : 400941 K
    Peak from malloc : 312315 K
* Space Partitioner :
    Total number of nodes : 36759
    Motion density        :  0 %
    Motion segments       : 1
    Maximum leaf depth    : 15
    Number of traced rays : 635232
    Avg. visited leafs per ray          : 0.168553
    Avg. visited internal cells per ray : 0.732348
    Avg. packet size at root : 156.731
    Avg. packet size at leaf : 25.7648
    Average depth per leaf   : 4.51204
    Average objects per leaf : 2.3846
    Num bbox intersections (per ray) : 4.23026e+07 (66.5939)
* Ray Tracer :
    Total number of traced rays : 635232
             Specular           : 0.00 % (0)
             Transmission       : 100.00 % (635232)
             Diffuse            : 0.00 % (0)
             Light (photons)    : 0.00 % (0)
             Camera             : 0.00 % (0)
             Waste              : 0.14 % (897)
    Total number of shader calls : 319621
             Specular           : 0.00 % (0)
             Transmission       : 100.00 % (319621)
             Diffuse            : 0.00 % (0)
             Light (photons)    : 0.00 % (0)
             Camera             : 0.00 % (0)
    Total travelled distance    : 297039
    Avg. number of objects in ray's path    : 9.65209
    Avg. bbox intersections per ray (total) : 2.28581 (5.7243e+06)
    Number of ray/patch intersection tests  : 2.50428e+06
    Bounding volume efficiency              : 43.64 %
    Avg. active ray packet size : 9.68126
    Easy rejections     : 0.00 %
    Approximations      : 0.00 %
    cache hit ratio     : 0.00 %
    cache efficiency    : 0.00 %
    Shading group size
    |<=  1|<=  2|<=  4|<=  8|<= 16|<= 32|> 32 |
    |  34%|  21%|  29%|  13%| 1.8%| .27%| .83%|
    Ray depth
    |<=  0|<=  1|<=  2|<=  3|<=  4|<=  5|<=  6|<=  7|<=  8|>  8 |
    |   0%| 100%|   0%|   0%|   0%|   0%|   0%|   0%|   0%|   0%|

    Approximations      : 0.00 %
    cache hit ratio     : 0.00 %
    cache efficiency    : 0.00 %
    Shading group size
    |<=  1|<=  2|<=  4|<=  8|<= 16|<= 32|> 32 |
    |  34%|  21%|  29%|  13%| 1.8%| .27%| .83%|
    Ray depth
    |<=  0|<=  1|<=  2|<=  3|<=  4|<=  5|<=  6|<=  7|<=  8|>  8 |
    |   0%| 100%|   0%|   0%|   0%|   0%|   0%|   0%|   0%|   0%|






* Only available with the 3Delight Studio Pro package.