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Before explaining the parameters of the material in detail, take note that :

  1. There are no diffuse terms. Most shaders have an ad-hoc diffuse term to approximate the soft look of hair. In reality, this soft look is caused by light scattering and is not related to a classic diffuse BRDF.
  2. No control over directly reflected color. Direct reflections have the same color as the incoming light. Any coloured visual features are due to light passing through a strand of hair. 
  3. There are no "glint" parameters. This visual feature is caused by caustics inside each hair. Depending on hair roughness, light gets periodically concentrated in some areas of each hair strand and this causes the so-called glint.


Hair Color


This is the color of one hair strand. It is defined as: 1.0 - Absorption. Absorption inside a hair strand is the main parameter driving the overall look of hair. Fair hair has small absorption levels (Hair Color is closer to white), while dark hair has high absorption (Hair Color iscloser to black). When absorption levels are low, light scatters more so "glow" is more apparent.
Scattering Depth
Reflection Roughness
Transmission Roughness
TRT Roughness 
Specifies the roughness of the hair strand for the calculation of the Reflection, Transission, and 2nd Order Transmission respectively. They range from 0 (rough) to 1 (smooth). Note that, in a real hair strand, roughness should be the same for all the components. They are separate here for artistic control but should be kept the same if realism is desired.
Reflection Weight
The contribution of Reflection (R) to the final result.
Transmission Weight
The contribution of Transmission (TT) to the final result.
TRT Weight
The contribution of 2nd Order Reflection to the final result
Note that the different weights are actually a balance between the different components. In other words, the weights are normalized so as to conserve the overall energy in the system.
Reflection Positions
Transmission Positions
TRT Positions


Material Output Variables
