Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • We will just use diffuse reflectors. We don't want complexe BRDFs sampling to get in the way. This test is not about this.
  • We will disable any adaptive sampling so to make sure we have very close ray-counts.
  • We will use only one diffuse bounce. This will circumvent some complexe variables from the equation (Russian roulettes and other tricks of the trade). 
  • The scene is easy to load, to setup and to render. It is available for all tested renderers.
  • All renders are done in Maya.


    We disabled a specific optimisation in 3Delight 's optimisation that would give it an unfair advantage in the context of this test. This optimization cannot be disabled from the UI and has been disabled in the renderer itself for the purpose of this test. If you render the scene below using a standard 3Delight, it would go about 10-20% faster compared to the results below.


The render looks slightly better. Squares are transformed into circles using a cutout. Scene The scene is lit by two large area lights from each side.  


The cutout is done using a Maya Ramp. In Arnold it is connected to "opacity", in RenderMan to "presence" and in 3Delight to "transparency" !
(3Delight shown here) 

The Renderers

ArnoldRenderMan3Delight OSL

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TechnologyUnidirectional path tracer.Using unidirectional path tracer. Other options are available but not useful for this test.Unidirectional path tracer.


The Setup

 ArnoldRenderMan3Delight OSL
Screent Shot

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Min Samples = Max Samples
Light Samples = 2, seems to give closer results to Arnold 

Only shading samples to set for sampling BRDFs. 3Delight OSL takes care of the rest.



The Results


3Delight OSLArnoldRenderMan

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Total number of rays22.7 Millions25.7 Millions23.1 Millions
Time66 seconds180 seconds185 seconds
Compared to 3Delight OSL *--2.4 times slower

2.75 times slower


* Taking into account total number of rays traced.
