Versions Compared


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The render looks slightly better. Squares are transformed into circles using a cutout. The scene is lit by two large area lights from each side.  


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The cutout is done using a Maya Ramp. In Arnold it is connected to "opacity", in RenderMan to "presence" and in 3Delight to "transparency" !
(3Delight shown here) 


 ArnoldRenderMan/RIS3Delight OSL3Delight RSL

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TechnologyUnidirectional path tracer.Using unidirectional path tracer. Other options are available but not useful for this test.Unidirectional path tracer.Undirectional path tracer


 CommonArnoldRenderMan/RIS3Delight OSL3Delight RSL

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Remarks Area lights have 1 sample each.

Min Samples = Max Samples.
Light Samples = 2, seems to give closer results to Arnold in terms of ray counts.

Only shading samples to set for sampling BRDFs. 3Delight OSL takes care of the rest.The RSL path-tracer traces much more rays with the same settings. Refer to normalized performance only


3Delight OSLArnoldRenderMan/RIS3Delight RSL

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Total number of rays28.5 Millions31.6 Millions30.9 Millions37.4 Millions
Time on Linux33 seconds50 seconds74 seconds179 seconds
Compared to 3Delight OSL *--1.36 times slower

2.07 times slower

4.16 times slower
