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renderdl reads a file containing scene description commands and “executes” them


to produce an image. renderdl also has some auxiliary usage as explained in the parameters description below.

In the simplest form, to render a file named file.nsi

Table of Contents



To render a RIB named file.rib, just type:

Code Block
renderdl file.rib



Command Line Options

Option                               Description
-displayDisplay the images in 3Delight Display while rendering instead of writing them to file (as specified in the NSI file).

Render the file using 3Delight Cloud instead of locally.

Typically (depending on cloud ressources available), rendering will occur using around 96 cores per image for images up to 2K in resolution and proportionally more for higher resolutions.

You will need to be signed in to your 3Delight account through 3Delight Display before launching the render command. Alternately, you can specify your login credential in the 3delight.config file.

-cloudspeed n

Boost the number of cores used when rendering by a factor of "n". The default value is "1" when rendering multiple images to file or "5" in the case when the -display option is used and there is only one image to render. The maximum value is 30.

When rendering multiple images we recommend using the default value. This is because additional cores are used more efficiently by rendering several images simultaneously. How many depends on your internet speed and your Spending Rate Limit (for Batch Renders). You can read more about this in Cloud Rendering Speed.

Note: When rendering a 4K resolution image, approximately 280 cores will be used at the "cloudspeed" of "1". Proportionally more or less cores for higher or lower resolution. Refer to the table in this page for more details on how many cores are used at various resolutions for "cloudspeed" of 1, 3, 9 and 27.


Faster cloud speed are more expensive due to efficiency degradation when using a large number of cores on a single image. This is especially true when the initialisation phase (time to first pixel) takes a fair proportion of the render time.

-collective nameRender the file using the network collective "name" instead of locally. For this option work, you must have pre-defined your collectives as explained in 3Delight Collective.
-lowpriorityLaunch the render using a lower system priority. This is useful when using the same machine for batch renders and 3Delight Collective renders.


Launch 3Delight Display to display the image while rendering instead of writing images to files (as specified in the NSI file).

(Obsolete option. It is replaced with the -display option.)

-t n

Controls the number of cores/threads to use when rendering.

If "n" is a whole number it implies:

n > 0 : Use exactly "n" threads.
n < 0 :  Use all but "n" threads.

If "n" is a fraction between 0 and 1, then a fraction of the available cores will be used (eg. -t 0.5 specifies to use half of the available cores.

By default, renderdl use as many threads as there are available cores (including virtual/logical cores).

This option is ignored when the option -cloud or -collective is used.


Embed statistics in rendered images. This is supported for EXR and TIFF files only. Statistics are explained in more detail in Detailed Statistics

It is possible to render more than one file:

Code Block
renderdl file1.rib file2.rib file3.rib

In this case, renderdl reads each file one after the other, and the graphic state is retained from one file to another (in other words, the graphic state at the end of one file is the starting graphic state for the next file). If a file cannot be found, it is simply skipped. This behaviour is useful to separate the actual scene description from rendering options. For example:

Code Block
renderdl slow_options.rib scene.rib
renderdl fast_options.rib scene.rib

These render the scene scene.rib twice but with different rendering options. slow_options.rib contains options for high quality rendering such as low ShadingRate and high PixelSamples, and fast_options.rib contains low quality (speedy) option settings.

If no file name is specified, renderdl reads scene description commands from the standard in. This feature enables piping commands directly in renderdl. For example, to enter scene description commands interactively (which is not really practical), do the following:

Code Block
Reading (stdin)
<enter commands here>

If you wish to pipe the content of file.rib in renderdl, type: 

Code Block
cat file.rib | renderdl

Command Line Options

Multithreading Options

-t n
-p n 

Specifies the number of threads to use for the rendering. "n" can take any of the following values: 

n>0Use "n" threads

Use as many threads as there are available cores

n<0Use all but n threads
 -P nSpecifies the number of processes to use for the render. "n" can take the same values as in the -p option. The way 3Delight cuts the image is controlled using the -tiling option. Note that each process will run with a single thread unless explicitly requested otherwise on the command line using the -p option.{{
Multi Host Rendering Options

-hosts host1,host1,...,hostn 

Specifies a list of machines to use for rendering. It is also possible to specify a file (instead of a host name) that contains a list of machines to use. The format of the file is very simple: one machine name per line.


Specifies the tiling mode to use when splitting an image for multiprocess rendering. Four tiling modes are supported:

bFor balanced tiling (default). Uses feedback from the previous multiprocess render to improve the split.
mFor mixed tiling. Splits the image into almost identical squares.
vFor vertical tiling. Splits the image into vertical stripes.
hFor horizontal tiling. Splits the image into horizontal stripes. 


Use ssh instead of rsh to start remote renders. More about network rendering in Section 7.1 [Multithreading and Multiprocessing], page 120-jobscript script

Use script to start remote renders. The script receives the command to run as its first argument and is responsible for choosing a machine and executing the command there in a proper environment. 

-jobscriptparam param

When used with -jobscript, renderdl will pass "param" as the first argument of the script. The command to run then becomes the second argument. 

FrameBuffer Options

Forces a display to the framebuffer display driver. Note that a framebuffer display driver is added to the displays declared inside the RIB so those are still called. If there is already a framebuffer display driver declared in the RIB it is ignored. 


Has the same effect as {{-d}} but automatically closes the framebuffer display driver when rendering ends. 


Starts i-display and launches the render, enabling the user to send multiple renders into a centralized application. See Section 8.1 [dspy idisplay], page 168


Same as -id but sets the display to output floating point data.


Replaces all the displays in the RIB by i-display without changing any output or quantize parameters.



Ignores all framebuffer display drivers declared in the RIB file(s). This option overrides -id , -d and -D


Works in conjunction with -id  to specify which output variable variable to render. For example:

Code Block
renderdl -id -displayvar "color aov_occlusion" test.rib

The default value for this option is ‘rgba’

Image Output Options
-res x y

Specifies the resolution to use when rendering the specified RIB. This overrides any RiFormat command specified in the RIB file. 

-frames f1 f2

Renders the frames between "f1" and "f2", inclusively. This options enables you to render some specific frames inside one RIB file. Frames outside the specified interval are skipped. 

-crop l r t b

Sets a crop window defined by <l r t b> (left right top bottom). The values should be given in screen coordinates, which means that all values are between 0.0 and 1.0 inclusively. This command line option overrides any RiCropWindow command present in the RIB file. 


Disable reading of the .renderdl file. See [the .renderdl file], page 10

Statistics Options

Output statistics after the render. Statistics are explained in more detail in Understanding 3Delight Statistics.

-statsfile filename

Redirect statistics into the provided file name


-progressPrints a progress status after each rendered bucket.
RIB Output Options


RIB commands

the NSI commands in human readable ascii format instead of

sending them into the renderer. An example usage is converting

processing them for rendering. This can be used to convert a binary (or compressed)


NSI file into an human readable ASCII



Code Block
renderdl -
cat binary.
nsi.gz > ascii.
rib-catrib -o output_file

Redirects RIB commands into the give file. For example:

Code Block
renderdl -catrib -o ascii.rib binary.rib.gz
-catrib -binary

-cat -binary

Outputs the NSI

Outputs the RIB

commands in binary format. For example:

Code Block
renderdl -
cat -binary ascii.
nsi > binary.

-cat -gzip

Outputs the

RIB commands

NSI file in compressed form. For example:

Code Block
renderdl -
cat -gzip ascii.
nsi > ascii.

cat -callprocedurals
Call any procedural found in the RIB
expand all procedurals and archives. This is
useful to gather all the data produced by external procedurals into one single RIB file (e.g. for packaging purposes).
very useful when packaging an NSI file.
-cat -o filenameoutput NSI stream to filename instead of stdout.
-lua Interpret input file as a LUA file.
-vPrints the current version of the renderer.

Prints the help.

No File Name Specified

If no file name is specified, renderdl reads scene description commands from the standard in. This feature enables piping commands directly in renderdl. For example, to enter scene description commands interactively (which is not really practical), do the following:

Code Block
Reading (stdin)
<enter commands here>

If you wish to pipe the content of file.nsi in renderdl, type: 

Code Block
cat file.nsi | renderdl

Shell Return values

The renderdl executable will return one of the following values:

Return ValueDescription
0No error.
1Bad combination of parameters. An error message will explain why.
199Option "licensing" "waitforlicense" 0 was used and no license was available.
255The NSI file specified on the command line could not be read
-catrib -archiveproceduralsTransform any procedural found in the RIB into archives named archive0.rib, archive1.rib, etc ...
Message Filtering
-maxmessages nPrint at most n warnings and errors. For example, setting this option to 5 will print the first five messagesand the first five warnings.-filtermessages mThis option allows some error messages to be filtered out. It should be set to a comma separated list of unwanted error codes, such as A2037,P1168.     

The .renderdl File

When started, renderdl immediately looks for an initialization file named .renderdl. This file is a normal RIB which may contain any standard RIB command, enabling the user to specifiy whatever default options are needed for rendering, such as variable declarations, standard screen format, performance options, etc. The locations in which 3Delight looks for this file are (in order):

  1. The directory of the first RIB file passed on the command line.
  2. The current working directory.
  3. The user's home directory.
  4. The directory pointed to by the DELIGHT environment variable.
Only the first .renderdl file found is loaded. Loading .renderdl may be bypassed using the-noinit option