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The attributes in the Statistics group control if and where are output many

The Statistics group of attributes controls the reporting of useful statistics about the rendering process


. They can be saved as part of the image (in the case of TIFF images only) or into separate files. Statistics are useful to identify problems or pinpoint performance issues. Refer to Detailed Statistics for more details.

Image Modified
The Statistics group

Report Rendering Statistics

This toggle enables the


reporting of the rendering statistics. It is off by default.

Statistics File

This attributes is only available when Report Rendering Statistics is enabled. It defines the name of the file

Specifies the filename where the rendering statistics are stored. By default,

this attribute

it is set to 3delight/<scene>/<pass>.<ext>.

 Note that if

 If you are rendering to a TIFF image format, you can


specify the name of that

file to contain statistics6!

TIFF file and the statistics will be stored inside that file. This is very useful

since it keeps

to keep statistics bound to their



By default,

Clearing this attribute

is empty. 

will report the statistics to the standard output (stdout). This attribute is only available when Report Rendering Statistics is enabled.

Log Render Progress (in console or log file)

Turning on this attribute will make 3Delight


write the rendering progress by default to


the Console (which is bound to 'stderr'). The progress is simply outputted as "0%  1%  2%  3%  4% ...  ... 98%  99%  100%". If the Render Mode is set to Export RIB File and Render, then this progress is


written in the file specified by the Render Log attribute (see Render Engine). Note: On Windows, the Console is the "Output Window" created by Maya. This attribute is off by default.
