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Render Settings Selection

-rendersettings <string>

-rs ?

Specifies the name of the Render Settings to render with. Multiple Render Settings can be specified using a comma-separated list of names. Specifying all will sequentially render all Render Settings defined in the scene. Examples:

ex 1: Render -r 3delight -rendersettings settings1
ex 2:  Render -r 3delight -rendersettings settings1,settings2
ex 3:  Render -r 3delight -rendersettings all

Because this option defines which render settings will be edited by subsequent flags, it should be specified immediately after the ‘-r 3delight’ option.

-export <string>

Export to the specified NSI file instead of rendering the images. The <string> parameter specifies the NSI filename to create.

Scene ElementsElements (maybe remove all these options except pixel/shading samples?)

-cam <string>

not listed with -help

Select <string> as the camera to be rendered.

-objects <string>

not listed with -help

Set the objects set to render. Specify an empty string to render all visible objects.

-lights <string>

not listed with -help

Set the lights set to render. Specify an empty string to render all visible lights.

Frame Range 
-animation <boolean>Toggle the rendering of the specified frame sequence (animation) on or off.

-start <int>

-s float ?

Set the first frame to render. This implicitly sets -animation to true.

-end <int>

-e float ?

Set the last frame to render. This implicitly sets -animation to true.

-inc <int>

-increment float ?

Set the frame increment. This implicitly sets -animation to true.

Image Resolution and Crop

-x <int>

not listed with -help

Set the X resolution of the rendered image.

-y <int>

not listed with -help

Set the Y resolution of the rendered image.

-par <float>

not listed with -help

Specify the pixel aspect ratio of the rendered image.
-crop <boolean>Controls if the specified crop window is used for rendering.

-cropmin <float> <float>

Set the top right corner position of the crop window in X and Y, respectively. This implicitly sets -crop to true.
-cropmax <float> <float>Set the bottom left corner position of the crop window in X and Y, respectively. This implicitly sets -crop to true.
Quality (maybe remove all these options except pixel/shading samples?)
-pixelsamples <int>Set the number of pixel samples to use.
-shadingsamples <int>Set the number of shading samples to use.

-pixelfilter <int>

-pixlefilter <string> ?

Set the pixel filter type. The following values are available:

  • ‘0’  Gaussian filter

  • ‘1’  Mitchell filter

  • ‘2’  Catmull-rom filter

  • ‘3’  Sinc filter

  • ‘4’  Box

  • '5' Triangle
-filterwidth <float>Set the pixel filter width.

-maxdistance <float>

-maxdistance <int> ?

Defines the maximum distance a ray can travel.

-motionblur <boolean> 

-motionBlur <boolean> ?

Toggle motion blur on or off.

Additional options not yet implemented

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-overridesEnable the use of the Overrides options from the Render Settings (by default they are always ignored during batch rendering).
-cpus <int>Define the number of threads to use. The default is to use all available threads.
-texturememory <int>Set the size of the texture memory cache, in megabytes.

-netcache <boolean>

maybe remove this and use netcache size instead (as in 3delight.config)

Toggle the use of network cache on or off. (Use to override the setting in the 3delight.config configuration file.)

-netcachedirectory <string>

Set the network cache directory. (Use to override the setting in the 3delight.config configuration file.)

-netcachesize <int>Set the network cache size, in gigabytes. (Use to override the setting in the 3delight.config configuration file.)
-progress <boolean>

Toggle output of the rendering progress into the "shell".

MEL Scripts

-prerender <string>

MEL script executed before rendering.
-postrender <string>MEL script executed after rendering.
-preframe <string>MEL script executed before each frame.
-postframe <string>MEL script executed after each frame.
