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SFRP:Image Layers Overview
SFRP:Image Layers Overview

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The Image Layers group

Global Options

The first section of the Image Layers group is use to specify default values and output behaviour for all image layers.

Default Image Filename

Specifies the default file location for the image layers. By default, the location is based on the scene name, the render pass name and the AOV name. 

 Default Image Format

Specifies the default file format for the image layers, including the pixel bit depth. The default is 16-bit float EXR files.

The supported file formats are:






TIFF format.


8-bit integer
16-bit integer
32-bit float




The Open EXR format.

OpenEXR is a high dynamic-range (HDR) image file format developed by Industrial Light & Magic.


16-bit float
32-bit float


OpenEXR (deep) 




The Open EXR "deep" image format (introduced in Open EXR 2.0).

Each pixel can contain multiple values at different depths.


16-bit float
32-bit float




8-bit integer




8-bit integer
16-bit integer


Image Added

List of Layers (AOVs)


8-bit images are saved with a sRGB gamma correction.

16-bit integer, 16-bit float and 32-bit float images are saved as "raw" data, without any gamma correction.

Image Layers (AOVs) List


The second section of the Image Layers group is used to specify the list all the layers that will be generated during the rendering process (subject to the selection of any of the three output toggles in the list). By default, the list is populated with only one image layer, the RGBA ("Beauty") layer. 

Image Removed

List of Layers (AOVs)

Each layer can be selected to be displayed on screen while rendering or be saved to file or both. They can be saved in the specified format and also simultaneously in JPEG (similar in concept to a digital camera that can save simultaneously a RAW and a JPEG image). These outputs (display on screen and save to file) for each layer is controlled using


the options on the Output menu.

If the toggle on the image layer is being selected, it means that that layer will be rendered to display, image or other output, as specified on the Output menu. Below the list of layers there is one button used to add the layers you want to render on AOV List.

Select AOVs




Output Destination


Image Removed

display on screen


Enables the display of the image layer in a window on screen: either in the Cinema4D Render View or 3Delight Display. The selection of which window (and accordingly which application) is a user preference that can be specified in the 3Delight Preferences.

Unlike 3Delight Display, the Cinem4D Render View does not support to display simultaneously multiple layers. When this toggle is enable for multiple layers, only the first one is displayed.


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file output


Enables the output of the image layer to file using the file format and location specified by the Default Image Filename and Default Image Format attributes (unless overridden for that layer in the options listed below the list of layers).


Image Removed

jpeg output


Enables the output of the image layer as a JPEG. The file location is the same as specified for the standard file, only this time with the .jpg extension.

If all three toggles are selected, the image layer will be outputted simultaneously in a screen window, on file and as a jpeg. Below the list of layers there are four buttons. Except for Add, their function applies to the selected layers in the list:



For adding layers. The AOV Selector will pop for enabling one or more AOVs. All the AOVs selected in the AOV Selector are presented



Select one or more layers in the list and press Remove to remove. Note that the RGBA ("Beauty") layer can not be removed.



in the list






