Creating an Incandescence Light

An incandescence light source can be created in the GafferThree's Object table by right-clicking in the light list section and selecting Add → Incandescence Light, or by pressing the I key. Incandescence lights are not drawn in the Viewer; the object they control normally is.

The GafferThree node should be placed downstream of the nodes that define the geometry to control, its material and its material assignment in order for the Incandescence Light to operate properly.

The Incandescence Light in the GafferThree node.

Shaping the Incandescence Light

The Geometry to Control parameter from the Object tab specifies the scene graph location of the object or group of objects whose incandescence attributes will be controlled.

Controlling the light from an Incandescence Light

The Material tab  serves to control a few light parameters. Their effects are explained the the next section.

The Object parameters of an incandescence light.

The Material parameters of an incandescence light.