To be able to select and render with a 3Delight Collective, it must first be defined. A collective is simply a list of computers/servers that take part of that collective and is given a name. Several distinct collectives can be defined. And a server/computer can be part of one or more collectives. Here are examples of collectives that can be defined in a large studio:

Rack-1   —  All the servers located in rack number 1.
Rack-2   —  All the servers located in rack number 2.
Lighter-A  —   A group of servers you want to dedicate to lighter A.
Lighter-B  —   A group of servers you want to dedicate fo lighter B.
ALL-servers  —  All the servers.

The 3Delight Collective is defined through a simple JSON file format. Here is en example which makes it self explanatory:

Providing your collectives in the 3delight.config

You can save the collective the file wherever you want as part of your installation and specify that file 3Delight through the 3delight.config configuration file with this line:

"Rack-1"      : [ "server01,24", "server02,24", "server03,24", "server04,24", "server05,24" ],
"Rack-2"      : [ "server06,24", "server07,24", "server08,24", "server09,24", "server10,24" ],
"Lighter-A"   : [ "server01,24", "server02,24", "server03,96" ],
"Lighter-B"   : [ "server04,24", "server05,24", "server06,96" ],
"ALL-servers" : [ "server01,24", "server02,24", "server03,24", "server04,24", "server05,24",
                  "server06,24", "server07,24", "server08,24", "server09,24", "server10,24" ]

        File: MyCollective.json

collective ~/projects/MyCollective.json

Lastly, for each computer/server you list, you can specify how many cores you make available.