Installing the License Key

The license key will be sent by e-mail in the form of an hexadecimal string. A license key looks like this:


# Feature name : 3DFS
# Host ID      : e08122074c
# Licenses     : 2 (Unlimited threads per machine)
# Expiration   : none
# Service Exp. : Wed Aug 30 00:00:00 2014

3Delight 2d 1c dc 0e ec d7 a9 1a 7d b9 3b 32 ba 93 f6 7f 77 e0 bc 1f 15 07 b0 fc

In this example,  lines starting with  #  are not necessary for the license to work, they are in the file only as a 
reminder of the features of the license. You can add your own  #  lines.

Save these lines into a file named ‘license.dat’ located in the add-on ‘/License’ directory. If you are using a text editor such as Word or TextEdit make sure to select ’Plain Text’ when saving the file. Saving the file in 'Rich Text' will not work.

Next, you will need to:

  1. Start the license server if not started yet.
  2. Fill-in in the settings.txt file.

Both steps are explained below.

Starting the License Server - licserver

Important: only one license server can be started on a given network; starting multiple license servers will not work.

The license server 'licserver' is installed in the /Application/bin directory of the add-on. There are two batch files to start the license server:


Starts the license server in foreground mode. This is useful to see all the log messages and we recommend this when starting the license server for the first time


Starts the license server in background mode. This starts the license server and returns control to the user. This can be executed at startup time on the license serving machine.


Installs the license server as a Windows Service. It can be uninstalled using licserver-uninstallservice.bat


The license server can also be started manually if necessary (type 'licserver -h' for help), but we recommend using the handy batch files in Windows.

Modifying the Settings File

The settings file contains information about the location of the license server and is located in the root of the add-on directory. The standard settings file goes as follow:


 # Uncomment this line (remove the "#" at the beginning) and put
 # the name or IP address of the machine running the license server.
 # If the license server runs on the local machine, you can simply
 # uncomment the line and leave the IP address as it is.
 # Put '1' instead of '0' if you want 3Delight for Softimage to
 # wait for licenses when none are available. 
 /3dfs/waitforlicense 0

The following two options are recognised:


Points to the machine that is running the license server. The default value means that 3Delight for Softimage will look for the license server on the local machine (putting localhost in this line is the same as ). Machines can be specified either by their name or by their IP address.


Toggle this to ‘1’ if you want 3Delight for Softimage to wait for a license when none are available. The default action is to stop and report an error. 

Blank lines and comments (lines starting with a ‘#’) are ignored.

Leaving the ‘#’ at the beginning of the ‘/3dfs/licserver’ line will prevent 3Delight for Softimage from finding the license and will render images with a watermark.


Licensing More Than One Product

If you are using 3Delight for Softimage licenses along with 3Delight Studio Pro or 3Delight for Maya licenses, it is important to run only one license server. The license file should then contain two license keys, one for each product and both the settings.txt file (for 3Delight for Softimage) and the renderman.ini file (for 3Delight Studio Pro or 3Delight for Maya) should point to the same license server.

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