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Render Options


Software version : 10.0.148 (Jun 17 2013)
* Render Options :
    Render used the 'raytrace' hider
    Image resolution: 640 x 480
    Pixel oversampling: 2 x 2
    Total number of displays (AOVs) : 2
    Shared instances (for massive instancing) : on


The information included in these statistics give some general information about render settings that can affect performance. The first line is always the software version so it is easy to see what 3Delight version was used to render the frame.


Render used the 'raytrace' hiderThis says wheter REYES or ray tracing was used to render the images.
Image resolution: 640x480Image resolution.
Pixel oversampling: 2 x 2The oversampling used for this image.
Total number of displays (AOVs)Says how many AOVs are output in the current render.
Shared instances (for massive instancing) : on
This says if 3Delight is using a special optimization to render large amounts of object instances.




* System :
    Total physical memory : 8.6GB
    CPU Physical cores count: 2, logical cores count: 2
    Render threads started by user : 2
    Network reads : 1.48 Mb total. Transfer rate: 137.6 Kb/s
    Network writes : 1.48 Mb total. Transfer rate: 137.7 Kb/s
    Load average: 1.2 0.9 1.1
    Time to first pixel : 1 seconds.


This statistics block gives information about the system that was used to render.

Total physical memory : 8.6GB
Gives the total amount of memory installed on the system
CPU Physical cores count: 2, logical cores count: 2
Gives physical and logical core count. Logical core count includes "hyperthreading" processors.
Render threads started by user : 2
Says how many threads have been started by the user
Network reads : 1.48 Mb total. Transfer rate: 137.6 Kb/s
This interesting statistics gives the total amount of data that has been read from the network while rendering the image. Note that this count all the network data and not only the data that is used for rendering. This statistic is helpful to debug network performance problems.
Network writes : 1.48 Mb total. Transfer rate: 137.7 Kb/s
Similar to the statistic above but for network writes.
Load average: 1.2 0.9 1.1
Load average is a gauge of how many processes are on average, concurrently demanding CPU attention. The three numbers are averages for 1, 5 and 15 minutes. Very detailed description of load averages can be obtained on Linux manpages of uptime. A good technical overview can be found here and good vulgarization can be found here.
Time to first pixel : 1 seconds.
This somewhat misplaced statistic shows the time it took before the first pixel has been sent to the user. It is always a very important goal in 3Delight to minimize this time.
* System :
    Total physical memory : 8.6GB
    CPU Physical cores count: 2, logical cores count: 2
    Render threads started by user : 2
    Network reads : 1.48 Mb total. Transfer rate: 137.6 Kb/s
    Network writes : 1.48 Mb total. Transfer rate: 137.7 Kb/s
    Load average: 1.2 0.9 1.1
* Profiling :
    task                       time
    raytracer init               0.0
    raytracing                  10.3
    surface shaders              0.0
    imager shaders               0.0
    display drivers              0.2
    screen filtering             0.1
    raytrace hider               1.0
    Total :                     11.6
    Total process times (user/sys/real) : 19.56 / 0.27 / 11.66
    CPU use : 167.8% user + 2.3% sys = 170.1%
* Texture Cache :
    Cache size:                        0.133 G
    Overall texture cache efficiency:      0 %
    cache efficiency (2D texture):         0 %
    cache efficiency (misc texture):       0 %
    2D texture footprint:              0.000 G
    misc texture footprint:            0.000 G
* Point Based Occlusion :
    Number of evaluations               : 0
    Considered elements per evaluation  : 0
* Map Manager :
    Total number of maps used :            0
    Total number of texture maps :         0
    Total number of shadow maps :          0
    Total number of environment maps :     0
    Total number of deep shadow maps :     0
    Total number of 'invalid' maps :       0
    Total number of file open operations : 0
    Total number of map requests :         0
    Texture IDs
    Texture stats
    ID      Refs    Same    Search  Faults  Rate    Mipmap (min) Mipmap (max)
* Scene Manager :
    Number of objects in the scene :            1
    Number of attributes in the scene :         2
    Number of transforms in the scene :         3
    Primvar compression ratio :                 0
    Saved memory due to compression : 0.0 Mb
* Memory Profiling :
    item                       current   peak   category peak
    unprocessed gprim            211 K   211 K   418 K
    gprim                          0       0       0
    gprim (polygons)               0       0       0
    gprim (subdiv)                 0       0       0
    gprim (curves)                 0       0       0
    gprim variables               26 K   617 K   617 K
    particles                      0       0    4536
    topology data                  0       0       0
    crack elimination geo          0       0       0
    grid                           0       0       0
    shaded grid                    0       0       0
    grid AOV                       0       0       0
    texture objects                0       0       0
    texture cache                  0       0       0
    hider and visible points       0       0      90 K
    image data                     0     251 K   313 K
    buffered display data          0      31 K    61 K
    shader code                 4033    4033    4033
    shader instance             2332    2332    2332
    shader variables               0     814 K   814 K
    attributes                   796     796     796
    transform                   1628    1628    1776
    subsurface                     0       0       0
    point based occlusion          0       0       0
    point cloud                    0       0       0
    photon map                     0       0       0
    inline archive                 0       0       0
    ray tracer                   289 K   289 K   289 K
    ray tracer cache               0       0       0
    space partition               90 K    90 K    90 K
    diffuse ray cache              0       0       0
    misc                        1756 K  1756 K  1756 K
    Total :                     2381 K  4068 K  4462 K
    Peak VM size     : 0 K
    Peak resident    : 35623 K
    Peak from malloc : 12899 K
* Space Partitioner :
    Total number of nodes : 1525
    Motion density        :  0 %
    Motion segments       : 1
    Maximum leaf depth    : 11
    Number of traced rays : 1.13178e+07
    Avg. visited leafs per ray          : 0.0180457
    Avg. visited internal cells per ray : 0.0698019
    Avg. packet size at root : 416.188
    Avg. packet size at leaf : 145.204
    Average depth per leaf   : 3.39344
    Average objects per leaf : 3.64351
    Num bbox intersections (per ray) : 2.49935e+08 (22.0833)
* Ray Tracer :
    Total number of traced rays : 1.13178e+07
             Specular           : 0.00 % (0)
             Transmission       : 0.00 % (0)
             Diffuse            : 89.06 % (1.008e+07)
             Light (photons)    : 0.00 % (0)
             Camera             : 10.94 % (1.23778e+06)
             Waste              : 0.00 % (0)
    Total number of shader calls : 315001
             Specular           : 0.00 % (0)
             Transmission       : 0.00 % (0)
             Diffuse            : 0.00 % (0)
             Light (photons)    : 0.00 % (0)
             Camera             : 100.00 % (315001)
    Total travelled distance    : 4.90655e+09
    Avg. number of objects in ray's path    : 11.4598
    Avg. bbox intersections per ray (total) : 1.83386 (1.297e+08)
    Number of ray/patch intersection tests  : 7.07252e+07
    Bounding volume efficiency              : 27.17 %
    Avg. active ray packet size : 86.6205
    Easy rejections     : 0.00 %
    Approximations      : 28.59 %
    cache hit ratio     : 0.00 %
    cache efficiency    : 0.00 %
    Shading group size
    |<=  1|<=  2|<=  4|<=  8|<= 16|<= 32|> 32 |
    | 3.1%| 2.1%| 5.3%| 7.2%| 8.5%| 8.5%|  65%|
    Ray depth
    |<=  0|<=  1|<=  2|<=  3|<=  4|<=  5|<=  6|<=  7|<=  8|>  8 |
    |  11%|  89%|   0%|   0%|   0%|   0%|   0%|   0%|   0%|   0%|

* System :
    Total physical memory : 8.6GB
    CPU Physical cores count: 2, logical cores count: 2
    Render threads started by user : 2
    Network reads : 1.48 Mb total. Transfer rate: 137.6 Kb/s
    Network writes : 1.48 Mb total. Transfer rate: 137.7 Kb/s
    Load average: 1.2 0.9 1.1
    Time to first pixel : 1 seconds.
* Profiling :
    task                       time
    raytracer init               0.0
    raytracing                  10.3
    surface shaders              0.0
    imager shaders               0.0
    display drivers              0.2
    screen filtering             0.1
    raytrace hider               1.0
    Total :                     11.6
    Total process times (user/sys/real) : 19.56 / 0.27 / 11.66
    CPU use : 167.8% user + 2.3% sys = 170.1%
* Texture Cache :
    Cache size:                        0.133 G
    Overall texture cache efficiency:      0 %
    cache efficiency (2D texture):         0 %
    cache efficiency (misc texture):       0 %
    2D texture footprint:              0.000 G
    misc texture footprint:            0.000 G
* Point Based Occlusion :
    Number of evaluations               : 0
    Considered elements per evaluation  : 0
* Map Manager :
    Total number of maps used :            0
    Total number of texture maps :         0
    Total number of shadow maps :          0
    Total number of environment maps :     0
    Total number of deep shadow maps :     0
    Total number of 'invalid' maps :       0
    Total number of file open operations : 0
    Total number of map requests :         0
    Texture IDs
    Texture stats
    ID      Refs    Same    Search  Faults  Rate    Mipmap (min) Mipmap (max)
* Scene Manager :
    Number of objects in the scene :            1
    Number of attributes in the scene :         2
    Number of transforms in the scene :         3
    Primvar compression ratio :                 0
    Saved memory due to compression : 0.0 Mb
* Memory Profiling :
    item                       current   peak   category peak
    unprocessed gprim            211 K   211 K   418 K
    gprim                          0       0       0
    gprim (polygons)               0       0       0
    gprim (subdiv)                 0       0       0
    gprim (curves)                 0       0       0
    gprim variables               26 K   617 K   617 K
    particles                      0       0    4536
    topology data                  0       0       0
    crack elimination geo          0       0       0
    grid                           0       0       0
    shaded grid                    0       0       0
    grid AOV                       0       0       0
    texture objects                0       0       0
    texture cache                  0       0       0
    hider and visible points       0       0      90 K
    image data                     0     251 K   313 K
    buffered display data          0      31 K    61 K
    shader code                 4033    4033    4033
    shader instance             2332    2332    2332
    shader variables               0     814 K   814 K
    attributes                   796     796     796
    transform                   1628    1628    1776
    subsurface                     0       0       0
    point based occlusion          0       0       0
    point cloud                    0       0       0
    photon map                     0       0       0
    inline archive                 0       0       0
    ray tracer                   289 K   289 K   289 K
    ray tracer cache               0       0       0
    space partition               90 K    90 K    90 K
    diffuse ray cache              0       0       0
    misc                        1756 K  1756 K  1756 K
    Total :                     2381 K  4068 K  4462 K
    Peak VM size     : 0 K
    Peak resident    : 35623 K
    Peak from malloc : 12899 K
* Space Partitioner :
    Total number of nodes : 1525
    Motion density        :  0 %
    Motion segments       : 1
    Maximum leaf depth    : 11
    Number of traced rays : 1.13178e+07
    Avg. visited leafs per ray          : 0.0180457
    Avg. visited internal cells per ray : 0.0698019
    Avg. packet size at root : 416.188
    Avg. packet size at leaf : 145.204
    Average depth per leaf   : 3.39344
    Average objects per leaf : 3.64351
    Num bbox intersections (per ray) : 2.49935e+08 (22.0833)
* Ray Tracer :
    Total number of traced rays : 1.13178e+07
             Specular           : 0.00 % (0)
             Transmission       : 0.00 % (0)
             Diffuse            : 89.06 % (1.008e+07)
             Light (photons)    : 0.00 % (0)
             Camera             : 10.94 % (1.23778e+06)
             Waste              : 0.00 % (0)
    Total number of shader calls : 315001
             Specular           : 0.00 % (0)
             Transmission       : 0.00 % (0)
             Diffuse            : 0.00 % (0)
             Light (photons)    : 0.00 % (0)
             Camera             : 100.00 % (315001)
    Total travelled distance    : 4.90655e+09
    Avg. number of objects in ray's path    : 11.4598
    Avg. bbox intersections per ray (total) : 1.83386 (1.297e+08)
    Number of ray/patch intersection tests  : 7.07252e+07
    Bounding volume efficiency              : 27.17 %
    Avg. active ray packet size : 86.6205
    Easy rejections     : 0.00 %
    Approximations      : 28.59 %
    cache hit ratio     : 0.00 %
    cache efficiency    : 0.00 %
    Shading group size
    |<=  1|<=  2|<=  4|<=  8|<= 16|<= 32|> 32 |
    | 3.1%| 2.1%| 5.3%| 7.2%| 8.5%| 8.5%|  65%|
    Ray depth
    |<=  0|<=  1|<=  2|<=  3|<=  4|<=  5|<=  6|<=  7|<=  8|>  8 |
    |  11%|  89%|   0%|   0%|   0%|   0%|   0%|   0%|   0%|   0%|
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