This utility node blends two colours together using a blending mode. A complete reference for the blend modes and how they behave is well explained in this reference.

→ Mode

Specifies the mode to use to blend the two layers together. 


Result = Foreground

Background is ignored in this blend mode.


Result = Background * Foreground

Multiply blend mode multiplies the numbers for each pixel of the top layer with the corresponding pixel for the bottom layer. The result is a darker picture. This mode is symmetric: exchanging two layers does not change the result. 


Result = 1 - ( (1-Foreground) * (1-Background) )

With Screen blend mode the values of the pixels in the two layers are inverted, multiplied, and then inverted again. This yields the opposite effect to multiply. The result is a brighter picture. This mode is symmetric: exchanging two layers does not change the result. 

DarkenResult = least bright of Background and Foreground
LightenResult = brightest of Background and Foreground
Color BurnResult = 1 - ( 1 - Background ) / Foreground)
Color DodgeResult = Background / ( 1 - Foreground )
DivideResult = Background / Foreground
SaturationResult = Saturation of Foreground applied to Background colour
LuminosityResult = Luminosity of Foreground applied to Background colour
HueResult = Hue of Foreground applied to Background colour
DifferenceResult = Absolute( Background - Foreground )
SubstractResult = Background - Foreground
AddResult = Background + Foreground
AddSubResult = Add if luminance of Background is greater than 0.5, Substract otherwise.

→ Factor

This parameter allows to modulate how much of the blend effect is needed. At 0, only the foreground is visible. At 1, the full blending effect is visible.

→ Foreground

The foreground layer to use in blending calculations.

→ Background

The foreground layer to use in blending calculations.

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