This property can be assigned to a light source.
Render Shadow Map
Enables or disables generation of shadow maps for this light source. This allows for a fine-grained control over shadow map generation. For example, if you are lighting a scene with many light sources and shadow maps, you might want to generate shadow maps once for all the lights and then disable shadow generation for all but one light (the one you are working with at the moment).
Emit Photons
Enables this light's contribution to the photon mapping computations used for final gathering.
Area Lights - Sampling Strategy
Controls how area lights are sampled. Options are:
Fast | When this sampling strategy is selected, the light's contribution over all samples will be averaged and the resulting intensity will be used to evaluate the surface shaders. This method will generally produce correct soft shadows (since in most cases light sources are responsable of shadow computation) but incorrect lighting. |
Accurate | This is the "physically correct" area light sampling that will evaluate surface shaders separately for each area light sample to ensure a proper BRDF sampling. This strategy is recommended if accurate specular highlights are important. |
Shadow Map Name
Specifies the path where shadow maps are stored.
Shading Rate Multiplier
This parameters multiplies the shading rate specified in Quality and use the resulting shading rate for shadow map renderings.
Motion Blur - Enable in Volumic Shadow Maps
This option enables motion blur in the computed volumic shadow map. This will render correct motion blurred shadows from one object to another but will cause problems with objects casting shadows on themselves. For example, a moving character can cast motion blur on a ground floor but will not cast correct shadows on itself, this means that it is necessary to disable the Shadow Receiver property on the character.