7.0.63 - 2008-09-30


  • Added RxTextureInfo() API.

3Delight for Maya

  • Fixed compilation failure with some translated hypershade networks.

7.0.62 - 2008-09-26


  • Fixed RslPlugin ABI which was broken in 7.0.59.
  • Derivatives (including normals) are now correctly motion blurred when shading ray intersections. This allows, for example, proper sharp reflections on a rotating sphere when using the raytrace hider.

7.0.61 - 2008-09-24


  • Fixed a potential crash when retrieving a string with RxOption/RxAttribute from a DynamicLoad procedural which is ray traced.

3Delight for Maya

  • Fixed a crash when trying to create a node for a shader with a variable length array parameter.
  • Shader and attribute assignment now works better with sets.

7.0.60 - 2008-09-21

3Delight for Maya

  • It is now possible to assign shaders to transforms (group) nodes. They are considered as “geometric” nodes so they can get shaders relevant to geometric shapes (surface, displacement, etc.).
  • Added “RIB Archive” attributes in the geo attribs nodes; these can be used to ignore selected parts of the archive.

7.0.59 - 2008-09-19


  • Under the ‘glass’ and ‘water’ photon shading model, reflected photons are now affected by surface color and transmitted photons by surface opacity.
  • Fixed a bug in multi-threaded writing of point clouds which caused inconsistent results with point based occlusion and color bleeding.

3Delight for Maya

  • Greatly improved performance of the initial assignment of a shader for a collection when a large number of shapes are involved.
  • Introducing a Preferences window, available through the 3Delight menu. Currently it allows specification of various viewing applications.
  • Added a “View” button next to most attributes that specify files. The apps used to visualize a file are set in the Preferences window.
  • Translated hypershade networks can now be used to color photons.
  • Fixed issue with referenced render pass nodes that are set to render with the reference’s default render layer.
  • Fixed issue in mib_ambient_occlusion shader translation.

7.0.58 - 2008-09-12


  • Fixed an incompatibility with houdini’s display driver.

7.0.57 - 2008-09-09


  • Improved caustics quality.
  • Fixed incorrect rendering of blobbies with uniform variables (could even crash).
  • Added support for “environmentmap” and “environmentspace” when using point based occlusion() or indirectdiffuse().

3Delight for Maya

  • Added support for the Tangent Space Normals mode of the bump2d node. Please read section 4.4.8 of the documentation about it.
  • Added zmin and zmax pixel filters to the Pixel Filter attribute in the Quality section (i.e. for primary displays).

7.0.55 - 2008-09-03


  • Fixed a potential crash introduced in 7.0.54 with occlusion()/indirectdiffuse() in reflections.
  • Fixed occasional white spots when using photon maps.
  • Photon maps can now be saved to disk in automatic generation mode.

3Delight for Maya

  • Fixed incorrect expansion of <scene> tag when the scene name is undefined.
  • Added “standard Atmosphere” attribute in the Render Pass. NOTE: this attribute is off by default, which is the reverse of the previous default behavior. Turn it on if you have problems with interior or atmosphere shaders.
  • Added the ability to use custom lightsource export code for user defined light nodes.

7.0.54 - 2008-08-29


  • Improved shading performance in the ray tracer.
  • $RMANTREE/etc/rendermn.ini is no longer read by 3Delight.
  • Fixed artifacts in point based occlusion and color bleeding when rendering with “clamp” 1. This changes the output somewhat.
  • Fixed bogus shader compiler error message when trying to gather “volume:varname”.

3Delight for Maya

  • Fixed translation of hypershade networks where the same texture node is used both with and without a particular projection (such as an environment node).

7.0.53 - 2008-08-27

3Delight for Maya

  • Fixed crashes on Windows when using command substitution in string expressions (eg. “name`someCommand()`.tif”).
  • Fixed motion blur problem with Maya Fur.

7.0.52 - 2008-08-25


  • Improved behavior of point based occlusion() and indirectdiffuse().

3Delight for Maya

  • Fixed issue with default render pass for renderings launched with Maya’s render commands. It will now render all renderable layers.
  • Added “Particle Size Space” and “Particle Size Override” geo attributes.

7.0.51 - 2008-08-18


  • Fixed hanging renderdl in multi-process mode when a display driver fails to open.
  • renderdl now returns 255 when a RIB can’t be opened.
  • Improved behavior of edge detection on normals.
  • Added alpha control for edge detection.

3Delight for Maya

  • Made rendermanCode input attributes readable again so Maya will allow keying them.
  • Added ParticleSamplerInfo hypershade node support.

7.0.50 - 2008-08-13


  • Any invalid variable in a display’s mode list now causes an error message to be printed and that display to be skipped.
  • Fixed a crash when the license server name is invalid.

3Delight for Maya

  • Added support for <shape_name> and <pass> tags in string attributes. <shape_name> is currently supported only in light attributes nodes.
  • Fixed issue where nCloth rendered as particles would not be properly placed if the output mesh has a non-identity transform.
  • Added “Render nCloth as Particles” attribute in the geo attributes node. nCloth will show as particles only when this attribute is turned on.
  • Fixed incorrect rendering of motion blurred particle systems.
  • Fixed path splitting on Windows64

7.0.49 - 2008-07-31


  • Fixed missing geometry along image edges when using heavy depth of field.
  • Fixed a crash with multi-process rendering of deep shadow maps on 64-bit linux.

3Delight for Maya

  • Fixed possible incorrect shadow map reference in hypershade lights with attached light attributes node that was introduced in 7.0.39.
  • String expansion now supports MEL commands enclosed in back quotes (`).
  • Added “Photon Color” attribute in the geometry attributes node; this controls if the color and opacity of the photons is defined by Cs and Os or by the surface shader.

7.0.48 - 2008-07-27

3Delight for Maya

  • Added an option to better visualize HDR maps with the coordinateSystem node’s dome mode.

7.0.47 - 2008-07-26


  • Fixed a memory leak when rendering sequences of frames generated by 3Delight for Maya.
  • Fixed environment(”raytrace”, ...) which was broken recently. Reflections would not show up under certain conditions.

3Delight for Maya

  • Fixed the “motionFactor” geo attrib (it was not output) and moved it to the quality section. Also added the “focusFactor” attribute.

7.0.46 - 2008-07-19


  • Fixed AOVs on atmosphere shaders when running with Option “render” “standardatmosphere” 0.

3Delight for Maya

  • Fixed incorrect export of NURBS surfaces with an asymmetric v knot vector.

7.0.45 - 2008-07-18


  • Various fixes to shaderinfo and the Slo API for variable length arrays.
  • Fixed a bug in the IFF display driver when the image width is not a multiple of 64.
  • Fixed rare artifacts with subsurface scattering. This can change the result of all subsurface very slightly.

3Delight for Maya

  • “cloth” 2D texture node and “contrast” general utility node now render closer to the Maya rendering.
  • Added support for “UV Ramp”, “Four Corner Ramp” and “Tartan ramp” in “ramp” 2D texture node; it now renders closer to the Maya rendering.
  • Added “surface color” AOV; basically: “surface color” AOV * “diffuse intensity” AOV = “diffuse” AOV.
  • Added a “category” light attributes node attribute. The “Key Light” toggle has been moved in the new “Category” frame layout along with this new attribute.

7.0.44 - 2008-07-11


  • Atmosphere shaders rendered with the new method (Option “render” “standardatmosphere” 0) are no longer blurred by moving objects.
  • Small multi-thread performance fix.
  • -P: and -p: can now be specified together with renderdl.

3Delight for Maya

  • nCloth objects can now be rendered as particle systems.
  • Fixed lack of decay in point light in the shadow AOV and all of the “_no_shadow” AOVs.

7.0.43 - 2008-07-05


  • Fixed a numerical precision issue with the noise() shadeop on some platforms.

3Delight for Maya

  • Improved behavior of the threshold attribute when rendering particles as blobbies.

7.0.42 - 2008-07-03


  • Added a “bitsperchannel” query to the textureinfo() shadeop.

3Delight for Maya

  • Added an option menu to choose if the edge width (in secondary displays) value is a number of pixels or a percentage of the frame width.

7.0.41 - 2008-06-26


  • Fixed a crash when using both AOVs and the dsm display driver in the same render.
  • Fixed a ray tracing crash.
  • The edgecolor and edgewidthscale variables used by edge detection now work correctly with display subsets.

3Delight for Maya

  • Now skipping tdlmake for any hypershade node using a texture name that contains “*.tdl*”
  • Fixed secondary displays list that could sometimes display incorrect information.

7.0.40 - 2008-06-25


  • Improved performance when ray tracing with displacement.

3Delight for Maya

  • Fixed Trace Subset Sets attributes that could not be added or removed properly.
  • Added support for Maya area lights.
  • Fixed issue with manipulation of “Use Resolution From Render Globals” toggle when the render pass node is in a reference.

7.0.39 - 2008-06-20


  • Photon maps can now be viewed usingptcview.
  • Environment variables of the form ${VARNAME} are now correctly expanded when reading the rendermn.ini files.

3Delight for Maya

  • Fixed drawing issue of the coordinate system dome that could hide selected objects inside it.
  • Now looking for the attributes of the delightLightAttribs node on the light node itself before looking in the delightLightAttribs node. This allows defining a custom light node that contains all attributes needed for shadow maps generation.
  • Added “Reference Geometry” attributes to the available geometry modifiers (currently, only polygons are supported).
  • String plugs of hypershade nodes that contains file path expressions are now passed as shader input parameters.
  • Fixed strange issue where full body IK model would not update properly when the current time is changed to the frame to be rendered.
  • Added “Interpolate Boundary” in the polygon geometry attribute group.

7.0.38 - 2008-06-13


  • Improved environment map blur. When oversampling is used, blurred lookups no longer have filtering artifacts or distortion caused by the representation (latlong or cubic).

3Delight for Maya

  • Added a “dome” draw method to the coordinate system node, which can be used to position and orient latitude-longitude env maps.

7.0.37 - 2008-06-11


  • The gather() construct now supports the “samplepattern” category which generates rays but does not trace them. The distribution can then be used for other purposes.

7.0.36 - 2008-06-10


  • The alpha channel computed for output variables using display subsets now takes surface opacity into account.

7.0.35 - 2008-06-07


  • Displays using a subset combined with “rgba” mode now compute correct alpha.

3Delight for Maya

  • The “Output Faceid” geo attrib now works on NURBS too. It outputs one id per patch.

7.0.34 - 2008-06-06


  • Photon tracing now runs surface shaders if needed to.

3Delight for Maya

  • Fixed errors when some Attribute Editor UI components don’t exist.
  • Added a “Render Params” attribute to pass extra parameters to the background rendering command.
  • Added a “View Render Log” button, again for the background rendering mode.
  • rendermanCode node now accepts default values for shader_input parameters.

7.0.33 - 2008-05-30


  • The “exposure” display parameter is no longer applied to the alpha channel.
  • Fixed wrong automatic radius computation in bake3d() when using “interpolate”.
  • Added support for the “coneangle” parameter when using pointcloud based occlusion() and indirectdiffuse().

7.0.32 - 2008-05-25


  • The photon tracing algorithm has been multi-threaded.
  • Fixed a crash in the Slo API when trying to read a shader with dso shadeops which are not found. This affects shaderinfo and the maya plugin.
  • Added the “deepprevdisttotal” display mode for the deep shadow map display driver.

3Delight for Maya

  • The illuminate statements are now related to the “Illuminate by Default” light node toggle.

7.0.31 - 2008-05-16


  • Error P1001 (edge has more than two attached faces) now shows the vertices involved.
  • The bake3d() shadeop now works when shading particles.

3Delight for Maya

  • Fixed overzealous cyclecheck
  • Clipping planes are no longer rendered by default. They need to be explicitely set to render in the render pass.
  • Sets containing other sets should now work properly when used for the render pass “Render Sets” attributes.

7.0.30 - 2008-05-14

3Delight for Maya

  • Motion blocks are now relative to the current frame. This means that an object archived at frame 4 could be read into a RIB at frame 8 and will retain its motion blur.
  • Added volume interpretation attribute for deep shadow maps mode in the Light Attributes node.
  • uvChooser node implementation is now much more efficient with a large number of primitives.
  • Maya 7.0 is no longer supported.
  • Fixed some issues with Maya 8.0

7.0.29 - 2008-05-09


  • The trace() shadeop now accepts “samplecone” and “transmission” as optional parameters. “transmission” is an output that returns the transmission in the traced direction.
  • Fixed a bug in shaderdl about exceeding YYLMAX with long strings.

3Delight for Maya

  • Fixed shadow map issue with directional lights whose transform contain a scale.
  • i-display’s reload now works with 64-bit windows maya.
  • Improved support for Hypershade container nodes.
  • Fixed an issue where shaders could be compiled with all AOVs defined even if the render pass was not creating a RIB archive.
  • Added new render mode “Background Render”.

7.0.28 - 2008-05-03


  • Fixed a performance problem when trying to output a lot of AOVs which don’t exist on the surface shaders.
  • Edge detection can now receive a width relative to the image size.
  • Primitive variables now appear in AOVs even if the surface shader does not explicitely output them.

3Delight for Maya

  • Added the “Output Faceid” geo attrib. This outputs a float value which is different for every face of a polygon or subdiv mesh. It can then be used in edge detection to perform easy wireframe rendering.
  • RIB archives can now be rendered with different AOVs than those defined at RIB archive creation time.

7.0.27 - 2008-05-01


  • Minor subdivision mesh optimizations.
  • Fixed a performance issue with multi-thread renders.
  • Edge detection can now compute a proper alpha channel.
  • Edge detection can now be displayed on top of an AOV (ie. precomposited). Specify an AOV which does not exist to get it to display by itself.
  • The old edge detection syntax which did not use the “edgevariables” parameter is no longer supported.
  • Improved multi-thread performance of the display subsystem. This is particularely significant when many AOVs are output.

3Delight for Maya

  • Added per-object geometry modifiers, available via the Attribute Editor “Attributes” menu, which control the way the object is output. These attributes override any similar attributes in attached Geometry Attributes nodes.
  • Fixed a bug that occurred when nCloth object is connected to an instancer.
  • Fixed a bug where attributes of the “geometry” section of a geo attribs nodes were only looked for on the “object” geo attribs node.

7.0.26 - 2008-04-26


  • Some subdivision meshes now render up to 5 times faster and using 5 times less memory.

7.0.25 - 2008-04-19


  • Improved performance when rendering complex subdivision meshes.
  • Improved area light support: area lights can now be run in a mode that correctly samples specular highlights (and all illuminance loops in general).

3Delight for Maya

  • File and PSD nodes image filenames are parsed for file path expressions but relative paths are left relative.
  • Fixed an issue regarding the set selector dialog that can appear when a scene has several identically named objects that have different parents.

7.0.24 - 2008-04-15


  • Displacement shaders can now specify the displacement bound themselves through specially named parameters.
  • Fixed computation of “alpha” channel for AOVs which did not use subset or any other special modes. It will now be the AOV’s alpha instead of the whole scene alpha.
  • Fixed a crash when rendering streak particles from maya (curves with width specified in raster space).

3Delight for Maya

  • Fixed transmission, diffuse and specular visibility for values other than “invisible” and “opaque”.
  • Fixed incorrect automatically generated shadow map name lookup.

7.0.23 - 2008-04-09


  • Fixed tdlmake -dirtex when the output file name has an absolute path.
  • Fixed a crash when calling RxAttribute(”Ri:Orientation”, ...) from a procedural dso.
  • Texture cache stats are now logged to stats.txt in the cache directory.

3Delight for Maya

  • i-display’s reload and reload region features now work when it is used from Maya.
  • Fixed transmission, diffuse and specular visibility attributes that were not output when they were set to invisible.
  • delight nodes related to the object displayed in the AE are now listed in the related node tabs of the AE.
  • Fixed rendermn.ini in 3Delight folder not being read in Maya on OS X.
  • incandescencePP is now output with a “color” type for particle systems.
  • Added new attribute “Particle Render Type” which can be used to override the Maya particle render type
  • Particles can now be rendered as disks; this is set using the “Particle Render Type” geo attribute.

7.0.22 - 2008-04-04


  • RifGetDeclaration now works with built-in tokens (eg. “P”).
  • Several displacement shaders can now be stacked with RiDisplacement.
  • Added support for a binary format when baking in 2D (using the bake() shadeop) and fixed an issue with the ASCII format which could potentially skip samples on reading.
  • tdlmake’s -preview now works with -envcube, -twofish and -lightprobe.

3Delight for Maya

  • Replaced the “transmission” and “visible to reflections” attributes with “Transmission Rays”, “Specular Rays” and “Diffuse Rays” attributes. This added flexibility can be used to make an object visible to ray traced shadows but not occlusion, for instance.
  • Geometry output part of the rendering process is now faster for scenes containing several geometries and light sources.
  • Render progress window is now a bit more verbose about what is going on.
  • Hypershade shaders translation is now done on members of the render layer selected for rendering.

7.0.21 - 2008-03-28


  • It is now possible to use edge detection together with display subsets.
  • Added the ability to turn RiProcedural calls into archives when using RIB output. See renderdl -archiveprocedurals and Option “rib” “archiveprocedurals”.
  • Fixed interior shaders using “object” space.
  • RiScopedCoordinateSystem is now fully supported.

3Delight for Maya

  • Fixed a crash in some versions of Maya with the set selection UI when there are sets in referenced files.

7.0.20 - 2008-03-22


  • Improved handling of whitespace in the rendermn.ini file.
  • Fixed a bug with RiTransformPoints in RIB output mode.
  • Introducing arbitrary dicing cameras using the new RiCamera[V] API call.
  • iff display driver now accepts any color AOV instead of only rgb and rgba.

3Delight for Maya

  • spotLight and directionalLight nodes can now receive connections from a 2D texture node.

7.0.19 - 2008-03-15


  • Fixed a crash with invalid polygons.

3Delight for Maya

  • Changed the Add / Remove attributes menu to group addition and removal of some attributes that need to be together to make sense.
  • Added a new mode for “Smooth UVs” in the geo attribs: “No” will give the same behavior as a native Maya subdiv. “Partial” is what used to be the attribute unchecked and “Full” the attribute checked.

7.0.18 - 2008-03-13


  • Added Option “licensing” “holdlicense” for 3Delight to hold its licenses across several renders in the same RIB.

3Delight for Maya

  • Fixed OS X installation when Maya is not installed in its default location.
  • Dropped support for maya 6.5.

7.0.17 - 2008-03-12


  • Fixed an occasional multi-thread crash or error with weird file names, especially with procedurals.
  • Fixed a rare multi-thread crash with constant or uniform parameters set on primitives.
  • ptcview is now available on all systems.
  • Introducing “Directory Textures”. A file format aimed at increasing network cache efficiency. It is simply a directory with each mipmap stored in a single TIFF file. The granularity of data transfer in the network cache is hence per-mipmap.
  • The attribute() shadeop now supports additional queries: Ri:Orientation, dice:hair, dice:rasterorient, cull:hidden, cull:backfacing, derivatives:smooth, derivatives:centered, visibility:photon.

3Delight for Maya

  • Fixed incorrect attribute editor updating for geo attribs node on Linux-64.
  • String plug on hypershade nodes now support expressions (like #, <scene>, etc.)
  • preGeoMEL and postGeoMEL scripts are now called again if they exist
  • Added _3dfm_filter_zzzz user attribute check to allow filtering out specific shader calls. For instance, to filter out displacement shaders, define “_3dfm_filter_displacement”.
  • Moved the Geo Attribs’ PreGeoMEL script call to before the shader and light sources calls. IMPORTANT: this change means that to override a surface shader call using the PreGeoMEL, the following command is needed on top of the RiSurface command: RiAttribute -n “user” -p “_3dfm_filter_surface” “float” “1”;

7.0.16 - 2008-03-07


  • Fixed outputting of uniform variables.
  • Fixed tdlmake bug when the output texture is on a windows network share.

3Delight for Maya

  • Old scenes are now correctly updated when imported.
  • Inherit DAG Parent attribute is now looked up in override and collection attributes.
  • Attribute Editor “Copy Tab” button fixed for RenderMan shader nodes.
  • It is now possible to use expressions like <project> in image filenames of File and PSD file 2D Texture nodes and in string attributes of RenderMan shader nodes.

7.0.15 - 2008-03-05


  • Installation on OS X is now done for all users.

3Delight for Maya

  • Installation on OS X is now done for all users.
  • Fixed UI for Trace subset sets in the geo attribs.
  • Fixed possible pointless current time change when the render pass’ motion blur options are off.
  • Geo attribs node can now be attached to transforms and attributes can be inherited from a transform to its descendants (and also via a alternate parent connection).

7.0.14 - 2008-02-29


  • Vastly improved occlusion shadeop performance with heavy production scenes, especially when using subdivision surfaces or raytraced displacements.

7.0.13 - 2008-02-26


  • Improved multi-thread performance.
  • Fixed a performance issue with some subdivision meshes.
  • Improved the message for subdivision meshes with invalid topology.

7.0.12 - 2008-02-19


  • Fixed particles with eye split and width specified in raster space.
  • Deprecated “computealpha” display parameter. Any ‘alpha’ channel specified in a display will now compute the correct alpha (eg. “color aov_diffuse,alpha” or “rgba”).
  • Fixed setting the number of threads with renderdl which was ignored if also set by the RIB. renderdl now has priority.
  • Forward message passing to light shaders now correctly forces reevaluation of the light when necessary.

3Delight for Maya

  • Fixed incorrect handling of Motion Blur render stats that was overriding the render pass motion blur settings.
  • User defined light nodes can now use hypershade translation.

7.0.11 - 2008-02-13


  • Reduced memory usage of raytracing with multiple threads, especially with displacement.

3Delight for Maya

  • Added support for Render Stats attributes; please refer to the 3dfm documentation for details on how it works.
  • 2D Texture File Node’s “disable file load” attribute is now ignored by 3dfm.
  • Added “smooth UVs” polygon geo attribute UI that was missing in 7.0.10.
  • Added “raytraced reflection” and “environment reflection” output variables.

7.0.10 - 2008-02-07

3Delight for Maya

  • Changed the Geo Attribs node; it is now possible to have only a subset of all the available attributes in a node.
  • Fixed an error message about the shader assignment panel when opening a scene with the panel open and without the plugin already loaded.
  • User-defined light nodes can be used as any other Maya built-in light nodes.
  • Fixed connection bugs in 3Delight Render Settings and command-line rendering.
  • Improved behavior of AOVs with layered shaders.
  • Added “Gain” and “Gamma” attributes for primary and secondary displays in the render pass node.

7.0.9 - 2008-01-30


  • New i-display version.

3Delight for Maya

  • Fixed translation of string attribute connections in hypershade networks.
  • Added binding to retrieve shader annotations with delightShaderInfo command.
  • Added support for “grouping” shader annotation keys; the shader parameters UI can now be grouped together in arbitrary frame layouts.

7.0.8 - 2008-01-29


  • 3Delight can now raytrace Constructive Solid Geometry.
  • ribdepends tool now parses MakeBrickMap for input an output resources.

3Delight for Maya

  • Made the Render Stats available to RIB Archive nodes, so archived content can be visible in reflections and refractions of Hypershaded objects.

7.0.7 - 2008-01-22

3Delight for Maya

  • Fixed a bug with a delightLightAttribs node disappearing when a light using it was deleted.

7.0.6 - 2008-01-19


  • Fixed a crash in the raytracer when there is invalid geometry in the scene.
  • The “messages” “filter” option is now correctly scoped.
  • Correctly handle PSD files with more than 4 channels.

7.0.5 - 2008-01-18


  • Fixed a problem with integer primitive vars not considered properly in 3Delight.

3Delight for Maya

  • delightShapeSet nodes no longer appear in the outliner.

7.0.4 - 2008-01-16

3Delight for Maya

  • Added support for constructive solid geometry (CSG).
  • Fixed a bug with a delightGeoAttribs node disappearing when an object using it was deleted.

7.0.3 - 2008-01-11


  • Fixed tdlmake’s -flips and -flipt options.
  • SL functions can now have multiplereturnstatements.

3Delight for Maya

  • Added the deep shadow map display driver in the list of available choices in the render pass primary and secondary display drivers.
  • Added display subset option in secondary displays section of the render pass node.
  • Fixed multiple UV sets with hypershade networks.
  • Fixed renders aborting on bad (empty) NURBS surfaces.
  • Added support for Maya 2008 vertex creases on polygon meshes.
  • Fixed projection node bug that prevented shader compilation of networks using that node.

7.0.2 - 2007-12-22


  • Reduced the size of point cloud files.
  • Fixed a possible hang with some invalid subdivion surfaces.
  • Fixed gather() when trying to collect more than one variable at once from a point cloud file.
  • Greatly improved Interior shader performance.

3Delight for Maya

  • File texture node’s “filter” attribute is now supported, and setting the “filter type” attribute to “none” effectively disables the texture filtering.

7.0.1 - 2007-12-13


  • Fixed validation of ptc2brick parameters (would crash on bad values).
  • Fixed a bug with large Points primitives rendered as blobbies.
  • Fixed RIB output of strings with non ascii characters.

3Delight for Maya

  • Fixed some symbol conflicts with the linux plugin.
  • Added the ability for shader collections to change the attribs node just like the shaders.
  • “Ripples” attribute of Hypershade nodes can receive a value via a connection; refined the interpretation of the amplitude attribute of the cloud Hypershade node.
  • Fixed an issue with backslashes in RenderMan shader node file path.

7.0.0 - 2007-11-29

3Delight for Maya

  • Fixed an occasional crash with the DelayedReadArchive binding on windows. It was most visible with the RIB archive node.
  • Added support for streak particles.
  • Added default light.
  • No labels