In order to apply a filter to a light, it must be set as a child of that light. Alternately, a light filter reference can be put in place as a light child; it will act as a filter proxy.

To set the filter as the light child, simply middle-click and drag the light filter on the light, in the Gaffer Object Table.

To use a light filter reference as a proxy:

  • Create a light filter reference in the Gaffer Object Table using the Add → Filter Reference menu item or by pressing Alt+F;
  • Set the light filter reference as a child of the light to which the filter must be applied by middle-clicking and dragging the light filter reference on the light;
  • In the Object tab of the light filter reference, set its 'referencePath' parameter to the path of the desired light filter.

Using a light filter reference allows sharing one filter with several light sources.

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