Versions Compared


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1 - Upcoming

7.0.46 - 2014-11-15

  • Fixed possible crash when using the "Render" command line utility (5621).

7.0.45 - 2014-11-14

  • Added matte subset UI to image layers.

7.0.44 - 2014-11-12

  • Fixed MEL error for "File → Import..." operation.
  • Fixed issue that prevented a Maya binary scene to be opened again if it contained a render pass with a layer using the "Environment" multi-light light group (5623 and 5626).

7.0.43 - 2014-10-30

  • Improved tiles size in progressive rendering.
  • Removed random black lines in progressive rendering.
  • Added "3Delight RIB Archive" file format to the available formats of "File → Export All...", "File → Export Selection..." and "File → Import..."

7.0.42 - 2014-10-16

  • Reduced noise in non-final passes of progressive rendering.

7.0.41 - 2014-10-07

  • Fixed broken raytraced subsurface with refraction in 3Delight Material.

7.0.40 - 2014-10-02

  • Fixed broken raytraced subsurface with transparency in 3Delight Material.

7.0.39 - 2014-10-01

  • Fixed issue where shaders would be recompiled even though swatch rendering is turned off. Turing this feature back on may require closing and opening again the NodeEditor or Hypershade to update the swatches.

8.5.1 - 2017-12-27

8.5.0 - 2017-11-16

  • Added plug-in for Maya 2018.
  • Added support for camera 2D pan & zoom

8.0.57 - 2017-04-25

  • Cumulates 3Delight changes since previous package.

8.0.56 - 2017-03-16

  • The Image Layers Outlining Width is now set to '0.2' '% of Frame Width' by default. The previous default value was '2' 'Pixels'.
  • Fixed issue in Maya 2017 where changes to some option menus that control Render Pass attributes would not be displayed properly (issue 6479), and not always reflected in the Render Settings window.
  • Fixed issue in Maya 2017 where some Render Pass attribute would be displayed with incorrect sensitivity (issue 6477).
  • Fixed possible crash in Maya 2017 when editing a Render Pass displayed in a separate window (i.e. after clicking the Copy Tab button) (issue 6476).

8.0.55 - 2016-12-27

  • Cumulates 3Delight changes since previous package.

8.0.54 - 2016-12-21

  • Cumulates 3Delight changes since previous package.



53 -








  • Cumulates 3Delight changes since previous package.



52 -





  • Fixed issue that would produce the following Maya error (issue 6440):

    Code Block
    // Error: A permanent scriptJob cannot be killed. //

8.0.51 - 2016-11-25


  • Cumulates 3Delight changes since previous package.



50 -





  • Fixed hypershade translation of some complex networks where nodes were skipped (issue 5553).
  • Fixed issue with the Gamma Correct node, where its Gamma attribute would be altered when Color Management is turned on.
  • Fixed wrong shader generated for swatches & IPR when disconnecting a node from a surface shader's Normal Camera attribute (issue 5548).
  • Added UI for cylindrical and fisheye projections to camera nodes.

7.0.35 - 2014-09-17

  • More robust handling of bad normals in meshes.
  • Statistics are now on by default.
  • Added -stat <bool> flag to Maya's Render command line utility.
  • Removed obsolete -statl flag from Maya's Render command line utility.
  • Fixed issue with when rendering RIB archiving passes.
  • Fixed a possible issue when creating a RIB archiving pass & a user render pass init script is provided (issue 5540).
  • Fixed 3Delight Hypershade shading nodes being automatically deleted when all their upstream nodes were deleted (issue 5549).

7.0.34 - 2014-08-20

7.0.33 - 2014-08-14

  • Fixed assignment manipulation in the Assignment Panel that was causing multiple shader swatch recompilation & render for Hypershade shaders (issue 5498).
  • Improved accuracy of displacementShader node when object space is far from the camera.
  • The geometry used for Area Lights is now listed in the AE.

7.0.32 - 2014-08-05

  • Cumulates 3Delight changes since previous package.

7.0.31 - 2014-07-29

  • Added 'Scattering Depth' parameter to the 3Delight Hair material. Default value of 0 does local illumination with correct environment lighting. Higher values create more realistic looks at the expense of longer render times.
  • Fixed crash in Maya 2015 when displaying a RenderMan shader node in the Attribute Editor.
  • Avoid displaying a "checker " ("map") button in the AE for RenderMan shader & RenderMan Material attributes that should not receive a value from an Hypershade node. Now displaying that button for all RenderMan Material node's attributes related to method call parameters.
  • Fixed issue with method calls that have no connections to any of their attributes in the RenderMan Material node - this produced non-compiling SL code.
  • Fixed possible MEL error when a "ramp" 2D texture node is in a shading network.
  • Fixed possible Maya hanging when adjusting a File 2D Texture node that is part of a shading network used by a 3Delight shader (issue 5485).
  • Fixed wrong 3Delight HyperShade shader swatches following an open scene / new scene operation.
  • Fixed some issues with File 2D Texture node when UV Tiling mode is set to "UDIM (Mari)" (issue 5387).
  • Added Area Light geometry support for the area light node. It is available in the Attribute Editor, under the 3Delight group. It is recommended to use models with low polygon count for better performance.

7.0.30 - 2014-07-18

  • Fixed <camera> token - it now expands to per-layer camera, when relevant (issue 5470). Note that this token now expands to the name of the camera shape's parent. For instance, it could now be replaced by "persp", instead of "perspShape".
  • Area light shaders can now be edited in IPR.

7.0.29 - 2014-07-16

  • Fixed possible 3Delight hypershade node creation errors through the "Create Render Node" window & "Assign new material" window.
  • New swatch rendering for Maya 2015; they are also rendered in the Hyphershade for 2015.
  • Fixed issue 5468.
  • Fixed possible swatch rendered with default surface shader.
  • Fixed assignment issues when using one of the 3Delight shaders shelf button (issue 5452).

7.0.28 - 2014-06-26

  • Fixed 3Delight shader shelf buttons that did not assign the new shader to the currently selected geometry.
  • Introducing a more evolved scene for swatch renders, the "Composition" swatch (refer to The 3Delight Preferences for explanation on how to select the swatch scene) . An example render is shown below.

Image Removed

7.0.27 2014-06-24

  • Fixed node creation issues for the various 3Delight nodes created through the Hypershade.
  • Fixed sometimes missing shading group connected to 3Delight shaders when they are created through the shelf buttons.
  • Windows installer changes. Note: for this version, on Windows, a system restart is required after the installer completes if you are not updating an existing installation.

7.0.26 2014-06-18

  • Attributes of 3Delight Material, 3Delight Glass, 3Delight Hair, 3Delight Skin and 3Delight Sky are now key able. They will now be displayed and editable in the Channel Box.
  • Temporary removal of the Hypershade swatch rendering feature for the 3Delight materials as this is causing instability. It is recommended to delete existing ".mayaSwatches" folders if 3Delight for Maya 7.0.25 or 3Delight Studio Pro 11.0.76 were used.
  • Fixed issue with material buttons of the 3Delight shelf that created broken material nodes.
  • 3Delight Skin subsurface algorithm is now controllable. It can be set to either ray-trace or point-based.
  • Added support for PTEX in the Maya File node. It's available only with Subdivision surfaces.
  • Added support for <light> token in image output filenames. Refer to File Path Expressions for more information about path tokens.

7.0.25 2014-06-04

  • Possibly instable package related to the Hypershade swatch renderings of 3Delight materials. Prefer 3Delight for Maya packages 7.0.24 or 7.0.26; 3Delight Studio Pro packages 11.0.75 or 11.0.77.
  • Fixed glass shader refraction effect. Glass was rendering with too much reflection.
  • 3Delight materials now render correctly in the HyperShade view.
    Image Removed
    • 3Delight Material now outputs Surface Color and Luminance Depth AOVs.
    • 3Delight Material know behaves better with the Layered shader.
    • IPR renders start in the center of the image instead of the usual "horizontal" order.

    7.0.24 - 2014-06-04

    • Full linear workflow is now possible out of the box:
      •  Color swatches of Hypershade shaders are now managed (previously, only textures were color managed). To use it, turn on "Enable Color Management" in the Common tab of the Render Settings.
      • When "3Delight" is set as the current renderer, there is a new "Monitor Profile" option under "Color Management" where you should pick what your monitor is calibrated to (sRGB is a good default).
      • Color swatches of displacement shaders and their upstream nodes are unmanaged since they are usually chosen by value, not as per their on-screen appearance.
      • To avoid color swatch value manipulation (i.e. keep previous 3Delight for Maya behaviour), set "Monitor Profile" to "Linear".
    • The "3Delight → Render" menu item's accelerator ("hotkey") can now be user-defined through Maya's HotKey Editor.
    • Several improvements to the displacementShader:
      • Fixed Vector Displacement. It was not behaving properly in some orientations. For example, the "ear" displacement provided by Autodesk was not correctly rendered.
      • The Displacement Bound is now 1.0 by default. This default value is good for most situations. Users should lower this value if the scale of the displacement maps is lower in than 1. For example, if a displacement map has a [0 .. 0.5] range, then this value should be put to 0.5 . After a proper value is set for the Bound, there is no need to adjust it when changing the Scale parameter, the Bound is multiplied by the Scale.
      • Vector Space : the space now also applies to scalar displacement.
      • Vector Encoding : fixed signed encoding which was producing displacement twice as large as needed.
    • Fixed range of the "Attenuation Strength" parameter in 3Delight Glass.
    • Default Maya Curve width is now 0.01 instead of 1.
    • Area lights now use the correct Oren-Nayar BRDF instead of the cosine BRDF in the 3Delight Material.
    • Fixed wrong subsurface renders when using area lights and the 3Delight Material. Symptoms were black regions on the material when enabling subsurface.
    • Added many tool tips to the Output: Image Layers section of the Render Settings.
    • Anisotropy in the 3Delight Material is now oriented, by default, in a more predictable direction (aligned with surface parametric direction).
    • JPEG are written in sRGB color space by default (and not in linear space as before).
    • JPEGs were broken when bit depth was set to something else than 8 bits. Fixed.
    • JPEG file extension is now .jpg (and not .jpeg as before).
    • Fixed attenuation in the 3Delight Glass material. Attenuation was producing incorrect dark areas.
    • It is now possible to assign Maya shaders through the Assignment Panel.
    • Objects that are set to be lit by linked lights by 3dfm but are not light-linkable due to Maya restrictions (Maya Hair, Paint Effects, etc.) are now lit by all lights that have their "illuminates by default" attribute set to "on". The alternative is to use a geo attribs node to specify a light set as its "illumination from" attribute, which still works.
    • Reworked the "Common" tab in Maya Render Settings when 3Delight is the current renderer to display only supported attributes.
    • Added new shelf buttons to create and assign to current selection new 3Delight Material, 3Delight Glass, 3Delight Skin and 3Delight Hair shaders.
    • UDIM textures are now supported. You can use either Maya's expected notation (i.e. "filename_<UDIM>.tif") or 3Delight's ("filename_UDIM.tif"). (related to issue 5342).

    7.0.23 - 2014-05-21

    • The 3Delight Material has been slightly simplified : the IOR parameters for both the coating and the base layer are replaced by an easier to use (and to texture) Reflectivity parameter. This parameter is in the range [0 .. 1] and specifies the reflection intensity at normal incidence. The material takes care of computing the effective IOR from that value. A value of 1 for Reflectivity specifies a perfect mirror and a value of 0 specifies an object with is only reflective at grazing angles.
    • Default Image Format is now 16-bit float EXR.

    7.0.22 - 2014-05-12

    • Updated windows installation method to use module files. The paths to plug-ins and scripts have changed so previous autoload settings may be lost after an upgrade. Its recommended to uninstall the previous package before installing.

    7.0.21 - 2014-05-01

    • Fixed broken Render Pass' "Progressive Refinement" attribute (issue 5182).
    • Fixed MEL error produced by the assignment panel (issue 5180).
    • Fixed severe bug when unassigning nodes in the 3Delight Relationship editor in object-centric mode in Maya 2015.
    • Added plug-in for Maya 2015 Linux.
    • Please note that Viewport 2.0 is not yet supported for 3Delight nodes. Since this is the default in Maya 2015, the scene view renderer needs to be set to one of the two "legacy" modes offered in the "Renderer" menu of the scene view.
    • Fixed minor issues in the Attribute Editor templates for 3Delight for Maya nodes.
    • Important fixes for read-only (referenced) scenes that contains 3Delight for Maya nodes. 3Delight for Maya cannot safely update read-only nodes, so it will detect outdated nodes and notify the user about it.
    • Revised 3Delight for Maya node versioning; this will reduce the number of warnings about outdated nodes in the future (i.e. starting now with new or up-to-date nodes).
    • Fixed issue where 3dfm plugin would not load in Maya 2012 without errors (issue 5230).
    • Fixed issue where referenced nodes would incorrectly be reported as outdated.
    • Fixed possible multiple outdated, referenced 3Delight for Maya nodes warning dialog.

    7.0.20 - 2014-04-14

    • Cumulates 3Delight changes since previous package.

    7.0.19 - 2014-04-08

    • Added plug-ins for Maya 2015 in Windows & OS X packages.
    • Introducing 3Delight Multi-Mask.
    • Fixed issue that prevented "cloud" particles or fluid instances as particles from rendering.

    7.0.18 - 2014-03-31

    • Displacement bound & space attributes on RenderMan displacement shader nodes are now used in the shader preview & swatch renderings.
    • Hair Material can now output the following sub-components: aov_specular_prm (R), aov_specular_trn (TT) and aov_specular_sec (TRT).

    7.0.17 - 2014-03-25

    • Maya Displacement Shader nodes now display a "3Delight" group in the AE where a new "Displacement Bound" attribute can be found. It is overridden by a geo attribs' displacement bound attribute. Only available in Maya 2013 and up.
    • RenderMan Displacement Shader nodes now display a "Displacement Bound" group in the AE; it contains "Displacement Bound" and "Displacement Bound Space". It can be overridden by a geo attribs node's displacement bound attributes. 

    7.0.16 - 2014-02-27

    • Major improvement when the useBackground shader is used along with environment light that casts directional shadows. Noise in unshadowed areas is gone and rendering time is improved (issue 4974).
    • Fixed a crash with multiple fluids.

    7.0.15 - 2014-02-20

    • Added ray-traced subsurface to the 3Delight Material.
    • Fixed inverted sun evaluation in 3Delight Sky. There was inverted day/evening. The effect of the bug was that the sky was much "greener" than is physically correct.
      Image Removed

    7.0.14 - 2014-02-15

    • Object faces that have no surface shader assigned, or assigned to a shading group without any surface shader, are now rendered transparent. They used to be opaque (i.e. visible in alpha channel). This is valid only for objects using per-face shader assignment (issue 4982).
    • Properly anti-alias the sun disk in 3Delight Sky.
    • Preliminary support for GI's directional shadows in useBackground shader. The output is less noisy in float aov_shadow than in the beauty's alpha channel (issue 4974).

    7.0.13 - 2014-01-31

    • Fixed issue where statistics options were output to a RIB archive.
    • Added command-line option "-engine" to select the REYES or Path Tracer render engine.
    • Changed the default Render Engine to Path Tracer.
    • Fixed issue where objects could disappear from rendered image due to wrong shutter / shutter offset values used by 3dfm.

    7.0.12 - 2014-01-24

    • Image Layers file output is now turned on by default.
    • Area lights now use the trace sampling mode by default.
    • 3Delight Material, Skin and Glass now use the new area light sampling technology.
    • Added 3Delight Sky to the list of materials. The sky models is based on the following paper: An Analytic Model for Full Spectral Sky-Dome Radiance by Lukas Hosek and Alexander Wilkie.

    7.0.11 - 2014-01-16

    • Fixed issue that prevented user-defined light nodes from being considered suitable for light shader & light attribs nodes assignment in the Assignment Panel & the 3Delight Relationship Editor.
    • The "Render" command line utility can now render multiple render passes by specifying a render pass list or "all" with the "-rp" flag.

    7.0.10 - 2014-01-06

    • New "Custom Frame Buffer" option for the "Render View" preference. You can choose which display driver is used in this case using the "/displaytype/framebuffer" entry of your rendermn.ini file; it is set to i-display by default.
    • Added support for vector displacement attributes of the Hypershade's Displacement Shader node.
    • Shading Change: the Hypershade's Displacement Shader node's Displacement float attribute was previously handled in world space to mimic what the Maya Software renderer does. It is now computed in object space, which fits with what Mental Ray does and works better with object transforms. To keep the previous behaviour, assign any value to the _3DFM_WORLD_SPACE_DISPLACEMENT environment variable.
    • "CPU Time" AOV has been added to the list of Auxiliary AOVs. It highlights the region of the image where the renderer spent more time (#4961).

    7.0.9 - 2013-12-17

    • Fixed issue with texture filename edits during IPR sessions.
    • Environment shape texture edits are now a bit faster during IPR.

    7.0.8 - 2013-12-14

    • New "Always Use Maya Render View for IPR" preference.
    • AOV Selector list behaviour now encourages multiple selection.

    7.0.7 - 2013-11-29

    • Added missing Motion Vector AOV (issue 4922) and fixed broken Surface Color AOV.
    • Fixed compatibility with pre-2013 Maya (issue 4923).

    7.0.6 - 2013-11-27

    • Fixed global illumination artifacts with per face shader assignment.
    • Fixed a memory leak.

    7.0.5 - 2013-11-23

    • Cosmetic fixes in AOV selector dialog.

    7.0.4 - 2013-11-22

    • Introducing a new "Layers" section in the Render Pass. This different approach for configuring what images are produced by the pass replaces the "Displays" section.
    • New "Render View" preference in the 3Delight Preferences window. This is set to "Maya Render View" by default.

    7.0.3 - 2013-11-18

    • Fixed incorrect width of some gadgets when displaying a RenderMan shader in the Attribute Editor (issue 4901).

    7.0.2- 2013-11-07

    • Maya 2008, 2009 and 2010 are no longer supported.
    • Fixed possible crash when using nParticles systems with instancers. More specifically, a crash could occur when requesting some nParticle system attribute to be output as primitive variables via a geometry attributes node, while the nParticle system is used with an instancer (issue 4858).
    • Fixed possible issue when rendering a scene that contains multiple RIB Archive nodes with connected RIB archiving render passes (issue 4824).
    • Fixed issue where user attributes were not exported as primitive variables for trimmed NURBS (issue 4886).

    7.0.1 - 2013-10-16

    • This is the last package that supports Maya versions older than 2011.
    • Render Passes created using the RIB Archive node AE's "checker" button are created with fewer, relevant attributes.
    • Fixed issue with objects having Maya surface shaders (like blinn) assigned to some faces while other faces have a Mental Ray shader assigned to them (issue 4839).
    • Mental Ray shaders now correctly handle primitive opacity (Os). Objects that have an opacity different than 1.0 and are using a Mental Ray shader will render differently.
    • Motion blur of secondary cameras is now correctly exported. This fixes stereo rendering with the raytrace hider.
    • Fixed possible 3Delight warning about shaderid that should be declared varying when rendering an object that uses per-face shader assignments.
    • Fixed a crash when several instances of the same fluid are rendered.

    7.0.0 - 2013-10-02

    • Shader parameter modification during and IPR render is x100 times faster, even for complex geometry.
    • Fixed crop region from i-display that now renders in a separate thread.
    • Clean up of the "Extra Attributes" section of 3Delight for Maya custom DAG nodes for more recent Maya versions.
    • Cumulates 3Delight changes since previous package.

    8.0.49 - 2016-11-14

    • Cumulates 3Delight changes since previous package.

    8.0.48 - 2016-11-06

    • Better smoothing of exported stangent.

    8.0.47 - 2016-11-02

    • Fixed a bug in brownian hypershade node.

    8.0.46 - 2016-09-28

    • Fixed issue when displaying a 3Delight Material node from an older scene in the Attribute Editor.
    • Using the Custom Geometry XGen primitive type is now possible with the the 3Delight for Maya licence (issue 6393).

    8.0.45 - 2016-09-12

    • Better handling of attribute changes on 3Delight shaders to reduce the number of shader recompilations. This also resolves issues related to applying a "preset" or keying one of these shaders.

    8.0.44 - 2016-08-26

    • Version number bump for the free package update.

    8.0.43 - 2016-08-24

    • Fixed issue when rendering XGen objects on OS X (issue 6359).
    • Fixed error when the render camera uses an Image Plane that is set to an unsupported image type (Texture and Movie types are not supported) (issue 6371).
    • Fixed issue when rendering XGen objects which is more likely to happen when the 3Delight_XGen project path is set to a Windows network drive (issue 6369).
    • Fixed issue when rendering multiple references to the same XGen objects (issue 6378).
    • Plug-in for Maya 2017 now available for OS X, Windows and Linux.

    • Info
      Textures that are automatically converted to TDL format by 3Delight for Maya are now named with a ".tdl.tif" extension. Previously converted textures whose filename end with ".tdl" will be ignored and can be deleted.

    • Now automatically converting all textures when a File 2D Texture node has its Image Sequence attribute turned on.

    8.0.42 - 2016-07-19

    • Fixed issue when rendering instancers with OSL Render Pass
    • In order to avoid Maya issues in the Hypershade, the 3Delight shading node type names have been changed.
      • This will resolve error messages related to the Hypershade Property Panel when selecting a 3Delight Material shader (in Maya 2016), for newly created material nodes.
      • Existing scenes will not be modified by this fix. They will render as before, and will continue to produce error messages in the Hypershade when selecting one of the 3Delight materials.

      • It is possible to migrate existing scenes to the revised shading node type names, if desired.

        titleMore Info...

        titleThe DL_migrateAllDeprecatedShadingNodes() procedure

        The DL_migrateAllDeprecatedShadingNodes() procedure is provided as a tool to help migrating existing scenes. 

        • The procedure will look for all old 3Delight material nodes in the scene;
        • Existing values, keys & connections are migrated to a newly created shading node that has the revised type name;
        • Hypershade shader assignments will be preserved. 
        • After the procedure has completed, the old shading nodes will be placed in a old3DelightShadingNodes set, for user inspection and deletion. 

        This migration procedure is not applied automatically; it must be called by the user. It is recommended to inspect the resulting new nodes to make sure all settings have been carried over. Please note that this procedure should be ran on each referenced scene.

    • Fixed issue that prevented creating 3Delight materials by pressing the tab key in the Node Editor.
    • The 3Delight materials are now only listed in the 3Delight section of the Hypershade. Previously, they were also listed in the Maya section. You may need to update your Favorites materials to reflect this change.
    • Fixed issues when using the Favorites material feature with 3Delight materials.
    • Fixed issue where IPR session would ignore many render pass settings, such as the Collection to render (issue 6354).
    • Fixed an issue slowing down 3Delight for Maya output when there are multiple light sources (issue 6355).

    8.0.41 - 2016-06-29

    • Minor cosmetic fixes in Maya 2016 and up.

    8.0.40 - 2016-06-28

    • Fixed incorrect rendering of incandescence in some VDB files.

    8.0.39 - 2016-06-23

    • In order to avoid several Maya issues, the 3Delight for Maya plug-in file name has changed. Old scenes will continue to work and the change should be seamless. See this page for details and recommendations for Plug-In Manager settings.

    8.0.38 - 2016-06-18

    • Fixed issue where a Render Pass set to produce a point cloud but no image layers would render nothing at all.
    • Fixed hanging OpenVDB renders on windows.
    • Deprecated the Smooth UVs attribute of the Polygons section in the Geometry Attributes node.

      Starting with this version, the default "Smooth UVs" is set the the maximum quality achievable by 3Delight (full). Scenes may exhibit a slightly different UV interpolation unless the now deprecated Smooth UVs attribute was already used.

    • Fixed issue when invoking Maya's "Render" utility with some Maya versions.

    8.0.37 - 2016-06-14

    • Revised Linux configuration: MAYA_MODULE_PATH should be set to $DELIGHT/maya/modules; all other MAYA_*_PATH assignments (except MAYA_RENDERDESC_PATH) are now obsolete. The 3Delight scripts that set up the shell environment have been modified to reflect this. This change should be transparent for most setups.
    • Simplified the Polygons section in the Geo Attributes. Several attributes of this section have been deprecated.
    • Attempt to fix possible MEL error related to the (deprecated) 3Delight Geometry Modifiers.
    • Attempt to fix possible MEL error that makes a Render Pass appear for only a second or two in the Attribute Editor, before it is emptied.

    8.0.36 - 2016-06-09

    • Attempt to fix a possible "division by zero" MEL error when rendering.

    8.0.35 - 2016-05-29

    8.0.34 - 2016-05-25

    • Fixed half / float type selection for deep exr output. It was previously ignored.

    8.0.33 - 2016-05-19

    • Preliminary plug-in for Maya 2016 Extension 2 for Windows and Linux.

    8.0.32 - 2016-05-13

    • Fixed several OpenVDB rendering bugs.
    • Better fix for VDM ramp attribute values saving (issue 6273).

    8.0.31 - 2016-05-09

    • Fixed bug with VDB ramp attribute values when opening a scene (issue 6273).

    8.0.30 - 2016-05-05

    • Fixed bump mapping for objects with invalid texture coordinates. This resulted in zero sized normals.
    • Extension attributes on shapes are not keyable by default anymore. They will still be displayed in the Channel Box editor.
    • OSL: fixed issue with displacement shading network parsing.
    • Added "Render as Bump" extension attribute for displacement shaders (issue 6250).
    • Fixed issue with XGen nodes in references that would not render at all.
    • Some fixes in the 3Delight for Maya Color Management (as explained here for Maya 2015 and older, and here for Maya 2015 Extension and more recent):
      • Fixed incorrect gamma correction for color values coming from non-Hypershade nodes in a displacement shading network;
      • Fixed incorrect gamma correction for keyed color values in shading networks, except for displacement shaders (issue 6138).
    • Sent proper output file name to interactive framebuffers such as i-display so the resulting image could be saved in a file of the expected type.
    • Fixed a bug with VDB incandescence (fire). It was incorrect at low quality settings.
    • Improved VDB sampling.

    8.0.29 - 2016-03-28

    • Fixed issue with RIB fragment file names whose tokens were not expanded (issue 6213).
    • Added a Lens Shader attribute in the 3Delight section of a Maya camera. It can be used to connect a user-defined lens shader to the render camera. More details here.
    • OSL: added support for vector displacement.
    • OSL: added support for the Maya "surface shader" node.

    8.0.28 - 2016-03-09

    • Cumulates 3Delight changes since previous package.

    8.0.27 - 2016-03-07

    • Cumulates 3Delight changes since previous package.

    8.0.26 - 2016-03-02

    • Fixed colour management issues with OSL renderings, notably wrong displacement shader colours (issue 6174).
    • OSL Render Settings for Maya 2015 and older now have a Monitor Color Profile attribute; the colour management system is described here.
    • OSL renderings for Maya 2015 Extension and more recent use the Maya built-in color management system, described here. There are no 3Delight for Maya additional controls required in this case.
    • There is a Monitor Color Profile attribute that will be displayed in the OSL render settings in Maya 2015 Extension and up, if the loaded scene was saved in an older Maya version. This is a backward compatibility feature to maintain the rendered look produced by the older Maya version.
    • Fixed area light and environment textures that appeared upside-down in OSL renderings (issues 6188 and 6191).

    8.0.25 - 2016-02-26

    • Fixed RifFilter plugins which were only working on the first frame of an animation sequence (issue 6184).

    8.0.24 - 2016-02-23

    • V coordinates for OSL renderings are now output as defined in Maya, instead of being flipped. The OSL place2DTexture has been changed accordingly. This resolves an issue where using a file node without a place2DTexture node would produce incorrect results (issue 6169). This only affects OSL renderings.

    8.0.23 - 2016-02-19

    • OSL render pass RIB filename now supports the <pass> token (issue 6143).
    • Fixed possible 3Delight error messages when editing some VDB shape attributes once it has been rendered.
    • Added a Use render Settings' Image Size toggle in the OSL render pass. It is on by default; the Common tab now shows the standard Maya Image Size section.
    • Moved the Quality group of attributes up in the OSL render pass.

    8.0.22 - 2016-02-09

    • Fixed a problem where modified values for 3Delight extension attributes would not be restored properly after an open scene operation. This prevented proper values from being used when rendering with the Render command line utility.


      User-defined light shapes that are using 3Delight extension attributes will minimally require some initialization command.

    • Added Illumination From extension attribute on Paint Effects shapes and Maya Hair shapes.
    • Added extension attributes on NURBS curve shapes to allow rendering them.
    • Fixed plug-in initialization in Maya 2013. Pre-release features are available only for Maya 2014 and up.
    • Fixed issue that prevented any motion blur with the OSL renderings.
    • Added basic support for OSL rendering with the Render command line utility via the -render 3delightOSL option.
    • Fixed issue with the 3Delight Display's re-render function & OSL render passes.

    8.0.21 - 2016-01-28

    • Added support for the image plane of the camera
    • Fixed shader compilation issue involving some attribute connections (issue 6130).
    • Fixed OSL pass rendering: area lights weren't exported.

    8.0.20 - 2015-12-19

    • Fixed a MEL error related to the new Diffuse / Specular contribution attributes.

    8.0.19 - 2015-12-17

    • Fixed a problem where editing a shading group's 3Delight extension attribute would not trigger a shader recompilation (issue 5944).
    • Added several attributes to control a VDB file sequence in the 3Delight VDB shape (issue 6073).
    • Added "Diffuse Contribution" and "Specular Contribution" for all light shapes, in the "3Delight" section (issue 6089).

    8.0.18 - 2015-12-04

    • Layer's Outlining Color attributes are now color-managed (issue 6051).
    • Fixed 3Delight Metal when Occlusion AOV was output.
    • Fixed IPR errors introduced in 8.0.16.
    • Fixed progressive mode in OSL renders.
    • Pre-release features are now available on Windows.
    • Fixed a crash with missing OpenVDB files.

    8.0.17 - 2015-10-24

    • Added support for the following attributes of a perspective camera (issue 6014):
      • Shake Enabled
      • Shake
      • Shake Overscan Enabled
      • Shake Overscan
      • Film Translate
      • Film Roll
      • Film Roll Order
      • Film Roll Pivot
    • Fixed an possible issue when calling DRP_buildShaders (issue 6001).

    8.0.16 - 2015-10-10

    8.0.15 - 2015-09-25

    • Fixed issues when manually calling DRP_buildShaders(string $render_pass) (issue 6001).
    • Fixed issue where selecting a camera shape that has an image plane would not offer imager shader assignment (issue 6002).
    • Fixed possible MEL error when rendering in Maya 2015 Extension with color management enabled.
    • Fixed issue with texture color profile detection in Maya 2015 (non-extension).

    8.0.14 - 2015-08-25

    • Fixed the render log generation on Windows, when using the Export RIB File and Render render mode. This was missing since 8.0.8.

    8.0.13 - 2015-08-01

    • Cumulates 3Delight changes since previous package.

    8.0.12 - 2015-07-31

    • Fixed an error related to the Compensate Gamma of Shader Colors setting when working on an existing scene.
    • Fixed an issue when changing the Monitor Profile setting for an existing scene may render with shaders using incorrect color values.
    • Fixed a performance issue on Mac OS X. Rendering from maya would not use all available CPU on laptops which get too warm.
    • Using velocity data to render motion blurred nDynamic Instancers. So they will render slightly differently.

    8.0.11 - 2015-07-25

    • The name of a node connected to a message extension attribute on a 3DelightVDBShape is now passed as a shader parameter (issue 5956).
    • Single numeric attribute children of multi, compound extension attributes on a 3DelightVDBShape are now passed as float array shader parameters (issue 5956).
    • Fixed an issue producing errors when trying to render some XGen objects on Windows.
    • Added a Compensate Gamma of Shader Color Attributes option in the Common tab of the Render Settings, in Maya 2015 Extension and more recent. See this page for details.

    8.0.11 - 2015-07-23

    • Cumulates 3Delight changes since previous package.

    8.0.9 - 2015-07-10

    • This is the last package that supports Maya versions 2011 and 2012.

    8.0.8 - 2015-07-10

    • Fixed broken Export RIB File and Render render mode on Windows. Please note that this render mode will not produce a log on Windows; this will be fixed in the future. This bug has been discussed in a forum thread.

    8.0.7 - 2015-07-09

    • Cumulates 3Delight changes since previous package.

    8.0.6 - 2015-07-02

    • Extension attributes on 3DelightVDBShape nodes are now passed as shader parameters (issue 5956).
    • Cleaned the Extra Attributes section of 3DelightVDBShape nodes (issue 5961).
    • Fixed crash when rendering OpenVDB nodes and motion blur (issue 5959).

    8.0.5 - 2015-06-29

    • The list in the Create Render Pass from Template sub-menu is now sorted in alphabetical order.
    • The OpenVDB node now allows the use of the '#' sequence number character in the file name. Note that this node is now automatically connected to Maya's time node.

    8.0.4 - 2015-06-26

    • Fixed possible crash when using "Create Map" option on a XGen description's attribute (issue 5945).

    8.0.3 - 2015-06-18

    • Cumulates 3Delight changes since previous package.

    8.0.2 - 2015-06-11

    • Cumulates 3Delight changes since previous package.

    8.0.1 - 2015-06-10

    • Fixed broken swatches for the sphere & teapot primitives.
    • Added 3Delight → About... menu item.

    8.0.0 - 2015-06-08

    • Another attempt to fix broken Shadow Objects attribute of a Light Attribs Node when assigned to a light casting ray-traced shadows (issue 5876).
    • Added a shadow object set attribute in all light shapes, under the 3Delight group. (Note: It will be overridden by assigning a light attribs node that contains the "Shadow Objects" attribute, and it has the same function).
