Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
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  • Formatting was changed.

The following file formats are supported for saving rendered images.


tiffTIFF format.


In the Displays group of attributes the user can specify one or several image layers to be rendered and outputted simultaneously.  Each can be set to be displayed on screen (in a Window) or be saved to a file or both. By default, the Display group of attributes are setup to output only one image layer: the RGBA components representing the main image, also referred as the Beauty. And it is setup to be outputted to the Maya Render View.

It is possible to add any number of layers, each set to output specific complementary values to the Beauty image. These are called Arbitrary Output Variables (AOVs) and are variables declared in shaders. Example of AOVs are: depth value of each pixels associated to the Beauty image, original color of the surface at each pixels (without the effect of the lighting), the specular and diffuse shading components at each pixels of the Beauty image.

Finally, each layers can even contain a subset of the rendered scene. 


All the image layers are rendered and outputted simultaneously. Adding many layers do not generally increase rendering significantly. This is different and not to be confused with the functionality of Render Passes. Those are rendered sequentially and can produce totally different output from one to the other.




General Controls

Add Display
Remove Display
Duplicate Display 

To add a display, either click on the Add Display button. To remove a display, click on its Remove Display button, which is presented as a trashcan.


Alternately, a display can be added by selecting Add Display in the contextual pop-up menu that appears when right-clicking almost everywhere in the Displays group of attributes. To duplicate a display, right-click anywhere above the display to duplicate and select Duplicate Display.

The attributes for that display are presented in a subgroup at the bottom of the displays panel. Here is an example of the Display group with three displays.

Render Primary Display

Specifies if the primary display is to be rendered. The primary display is always the display at the top of the displays panel and this control is tied to the first display’s Render toggle. Generally, the primary display is the Beauty layer simply because it is where it is first placed by default. It can be useful to turn this option off when you need only need to render a secondary display or shadow maps. By default, this toggle is on.

Render Secondary Displays

 Specifies if the other displays than the first are to be rendered. This toggle will override the per-display Render toggle. This control is on by default.

Per Display Controls

Each display has its own panel showing the basic display parameters on two rows. The remaining display attributes are located in the Advanced section. 


Image Removed

Group for a specific display

A display panel’s first row offers the following attributes:

A Render toggle

The check box on the left side of the image filename controls if the display will be rendered or not. Since the first display in the panel is considered the primary display, its Render toggle is tied to the Render Primary toggle. For other displays, their Render toggle is acknowledged only when Render Secondary is turned on.

An Image Filename

This control specifies the file name of the rendered image. When using a framebuffer display driver, this specifies a window title. By default, a file name based on the scene name and render pass name is created. See Section 5.5.4 [File Path Expressions],page 124 for details on how it is possible to construct relative paths and / or paths containing dynamically expanded tokens.

A Browse for Image File button

This button, drawn as a folder, brings up a file browser to specify an image filename.

A View Image button

This button, drawn as a magnifying glass, will open the display’s image file in a viewing application. See Section 3.17 [The Preferences Window], page 93 for details on how to specify which application should be launched.


The second row offers the following attributes:

A Remove Display button

This button, drawn as a trashcan, removes the display from the render pass.


This options specified the type of the display driver, which is where your rendered image will go. The following display drivers are available:


Display NameDescription
idisplayThe rendered image is sent to i-display

The rendered image is displayed in Maya’s Render View. Note that this display should not be used when rendering to a RIB file since it only works for rendering launched in Maya by 3Delight for Maya.

tiffThe AOV is saved in TIFF format.
iffThe image/AOV is saved in IFF format. Note that only 8 bits RGB or RGBA images can be output are supported by the IFF display driver.

The rendered image/AOV is output in a file in "Open EXR" format. The Open EXR libraries, which are not included in the 3Delight package, must be installed. This The only supported bit depts (by the display driver only works in ) are 16-bits float or and 32-bits float.

cineonThe rendered image is output in a file in Cineon format. It is recommended to set the Bit Depth 32 bit bit depth to 32-bits float.

The rendered AOV will be a depth Depth map file. It is recommended to set the bit depth to 32 bit -bits float. The AOV in this case produce this kind of file, the AOV should be set to ‘z’.

epsThe rendered image is output in a file in Encapsulated PostScript format.
bmpThe rendered image is output in a file in BMP format.
psdThe rendered image is output in a file in PSD format.
radianceThe rendered image is discarded

The rendered image is saved in Radiance format. This The only supported bit depts (by the display driver only works in ) is 32-bits float.




The rendered image will be a depth Depth map in TIFF format, suitable to be used as a shadow map. Bit Depth has to be set to 32 bit float and the AOV to 'z'.


The rendered image will be a mipmap Mipmap TIFF, suitable to be used as a texture map without the need of converting it with tdlmake.
dsmThe rendered image will be a "Deep Shadow Map". The deep shadow map display driver has several restrictions: the Bit Depth attribute should be set to 32 bit float and the AOV should be set to "rgba". The required Pixel Filter is ‘box’ and the required Filter Width is 1 x 1.
jpgThe rendered image is output in a file in JPEG format.

The rendered image is output in a file in Softimage’s PIC format.

pngThe rendered image is output in a file in PNG format.



Indicates what variable will be output during this render. The most common values are ‘rgba’ or ‘rgb’ for RGBA and RGB outputs respectively, which are usually referred as "beauty passes". You can specify here any predefined output variable or arbitrary output variables that your shaders are using. Inline declarations of arbitrary output variables are allowed, meaning that it is permitted to preceded a variable name with its type to declare it and specify it for the display mode all at once. Clicking on the arrow button next to the AOV text field brings up a popup menu that lists available predefined output variables.

The AOVs are explained in the Display AOVs section.

Bit Depth

This option menu specifies how many bits to use per color component.

Some display drivers have specific requirements as to what bit depths are supported. Refer to Display Device.

The available bit depth values are:




Image Removed

The Custom Bit Depth Dialog

It allows specification of values for zero, one, min, max and dither amplitude. zero is the black point, while one is the white point. These two values can be different from the min and max values if you need to have under-exposed or over-exposed values. An example set of values for 12 bits output with standard dithering would be: 0, 4095, 0, 4095, 0.5 An example set of values for 16 bits output with a white point at 4K that prevents over-exposed pixels from being clamped to the white value, would be: 0, 4095, 0, 65535, 0.5




Advanced Options

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The Advanced group, which is collapsed by default, offers the following attributes:

Alternate Camera

This attribute can be used to specify a different camera than the Render Camera (specified in the Scene Elements group) to be used for this display. This allows simultaneous multi-camera angle or stereoscopic rendering. For best performance, it is recommended to keep as many displays as possible set to <render camera>. For instance, when working with a stereoscopic project that has a "left eye" camera and a "right eye" camera, it is preferable to set the Scene Elements' Render Camera to the "left eye" camera, and alter the value of the display's Alternate Camera only for the ones needed the "right eye" camera (instead of having all displays overriding the render camera with either the "left eye" or the "right eye" camera). By default, the display will use the Render Camera.

Display Subset

This attribute is used to select one or several Maya sets that is used to narrow down what objects will appear in the display. Set selection is made using the 3Delight Set Selector window which is invoked by clicking on the Sets... button. The "Display Subset" option menu specify how the selected sets will be interpreted and has the following values available:

All ObjectsAll visible objects will appear in the display, disregarding any sets selec- tion made in the 3Delight Set Selector. This is the default.
Objects in selected setsOnly visible objects in the selected Maya sets will appear in the display.
Objects not in selected setsOnly visible objects that are not in the selected Maya sets will appear in the display. Put differently, all objects in the selected sets will be excluded from the display.

Light Category

This attribute specifies a light category (see Category); only the lights of this category will appear in the display. This option requires setting the Render Engine attribute to Path Tracer (see Render Engine).


Specifies the gain. Each rendered pixel’s color will be multiplied by this value. ‘Gamma’ Specifies the gamma. Each rendered pixel’s color, once affected by "Gain", goes through a power function whose exponent is 1 / "Gamma".

Override Pixel Filter

Each display can have its own filter and filter width values. This toggle is off by default, in which case the display will use the values specified in the Quality section of the render pass. When this toggle is on, these values are overridden with the values specified in the following two attributes: ‘Pixel Filter’ ‘Filter Width’ These two attributes are identical to the "Pixel Filter" and "Pixel Filter Width" in Rendering Quality.

 Use Matte Attribute




Exclusive Output

When this toggle is off, and if the display’s output variable is set to an arbitrary output variable, objects that do not output that variable will be black. Turning this option on will make these objects transparent. This toggle is off by default.

Associate Alpha

When this toggle is off, the color of a pixel is divided by the alpha to produce an image with an unassociated alpha channel. By default, this toggle is on.

Compute Alpha

When this attribute is on and the display’s "Output Variable" is an AOV, an alpha channel is added to the AOV. It is computed based on the existence of the output variable for a given object. This toggle is off by default. Usually, when this toggle is on, it is recommended to turn off Associate Alpha.

Edge Detection Options

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The Edge Detection subgroup


3Delight can perform outlining on any variable. This can be useful, for example, when doing toon rendering or illustration. An example scene can be found in ‘$DELIGHT/example/maya/outlines’. It is also possible to render shaded wireframes on polygon meshes; see [Polygons Wireframe], page 27.


 This attribute enables edge detection for this particular display. it is set to off by default.

Detected Variables

 This attribute specifies on what variables the edge detection (outlining) will run. Several variables can be specified, separated by a coma. For example, setting this attribute to ‘N,z,Oi’ will run edge detection on normals, depth and object contours. By default, this attribute is set to ‘Ci’, which is the color of the light reflected by an object.


This attribute controls the sensitivity of the edge detection. The higher the threshold the more sensitive the edge detection is. For example, when detecting variations on ‘z’ (depth), a value of ‘0.1’ means that if there is a gap of ‘0.1’ between two surfaces (in the z direction) then an edge will be generated. This attribute is set to ‘0.1’ by default.


This attribute defines the color of the generated outline. It is set to white by default.

Filter Width

This attribute defines the width of the generated outline. It is set to ‘0.2’ by default. Values between ‘0’ and ‘1’ are allowed, producing very fine outlines. In this case it is recommended to raise the "Pixel Samples" attribute (see [Pixel Samples], page 49) in order to avoid aliasing of the outlines.

Next to this attribute, there is an option menu to determine how this width should be interpreted. The possible values are:

PixelsThe filter width is a number of pixels.
% of Frame Width

The filter width is taken as a percentage of the image resolution in X. 

Depth Based Fadeout

This attribute enables the edge thickness fadeout with depth. It is off by default.

Min Z
Max Z

These two attributes specify the depth range on which the fadeout will be performed. By default, "Min Z" is set to ‘0.0’ and ‘Max Z’ is set to ‘1000.0’.

 Min Filter Width
