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Maya's 'Render' Command Line

3Delight renders can be launched using Maya’s Render command line. When launching renders this way, many command line parameters are supported to control just about every aspect of the rendering process. The following command lists the supported parameters specific to the 3Delight for Maya plug-in:

Render -r 3delight -help

Issuing the Render command with only the '-r 3delight' option will render the Render Pass that is selected in the Render Settings window (see Rendering Attributes) when the scene was saved. If no Render Pass was selected, a batch Render Pass will be created for rendering. This batch Render Pass will have all its attributes set to the default values of a new Render Pass, with the following exception: the output is set to a TIFF file instead of to the Maya Render View. The name of the TIFF file will be constructed as follows:

<project>/3delight/<scene>/images/<layer directory>/<scene>_#.tif

Most Render Pass attributes used for rendering can be set with the command line interface. The available parameters are listed below. If you need to set a Render Pass attributes that is not listed, please send a request to technical support. Refer to Rendering Attributes for more information about the effect of each Render Pass attributes.


Render Pass Selection
-rp <string>Set the current render pass. Since all options that change the render pass attributes operate on the currently selected render pass, this option should be specified right after the ‘-r 3delight’ option. If the specified node doesn't exist, the selected render pass will remain unchanged.

Scene Elements

-cam <string>Select <string> as the camera to be rendered.
-sc <string>

Set the shader collection to render. Specify an empty string to use no shader collections.

-ors <string>

Set the object set to render. Specify an empty string to render all visible objects.

-lrs <string>

Set the light set to render. Specify an empty string to render all visible lights.

-cprs <string>Set the clipping plane set to render. Specify an empty string to render all visible clipping planes.

-lr <boolean|name(s)> 

Specify the Maya render layer to render. It is possible to specify multiple layer names, as long as they are separated by a space and the list is surrounded by double quotes. If this parameter is set to ‘on’, ‘true’ or ‘1’, all renderable layers will be rendered. If an empty string, ‘off’, ‘false’ or ‘0’ is specified, the defaultRenderLayer (or masterLayer) will be used. When this parameter is not specified, all renderable layers will be rendered, unless the selected render pass specifies which layer is to be rendered with its Layer To Render attribute. In this case, only this layer will be rendered, provided it is renderable. If it is not renderable, nothing will be rendered.

Search Paths 

-shp <string>

Specify the shaders search path.

-txp <string>

Specify the textures search path.

-prp <string>

Specify the procedural search path.

Frame Range 
-an <boolean>Toggle the rendering of the specified frame sequence (animation) on or off.
-s <int>Set the first frame to render.
-e <int>Set the last frame to render.
-inc <int>Set the frame increment.
Image Resolution and Crop
-x <int>Set the X resolution of the rendered image.
-y <int>Set the Y resolution of the rendered image.
-resm <int>

Specify the resolution multiplier. The following values are available:

  • ‘0’  Full resolution.

  • ‘1’  One half of the specified resolution.

  • ‘2’  One quarter of the specified resolution.

  • ‘3’  One eighth of the specified resolution.

-par <float>Specify the pixel aspect ratio of the rendered image.
-crop <boolean>Controls if the specified crop window is used for rendering.

-crminx <float>

Set the top right corner position of the crop window in X.
-crminy <float>Set the top right corner position of the crop window in Y.
-crmaxx <float>Set the bottom left corner position of the crop window in X.
-crmaxy <float>Set the bottom left corner position of the crop window in Y.
 -is <boolean> 

Toggle the use of imager shaders attached to the specified camera.

-rpd <boolean>Toggle the rendering of the primary display on or off.
-img <string>Set the image file name of the primary display.
-of <string>
Specify the primary display output file format (i.e. the display driver to use).  The following values are available: idisplay, tiff, iff, exr, cineon, zfile, bmp, epx, psd, radiance, shadowmap, texture and null.

-pdm <string>

Set the primary display output variable.

-pdbd <int>

Set the primary display bit depth. The following values are available:

  • ‘0’  8 bits int 
  • ‘1’  16 bits int   
  • ‘2’  32 bits float 
  • ‘3’  Custom Quantize 

-pdqzero <int>

Set the primary display "zero" value for quantization. 

-pdqone <int>

Set the primary display "one" value for quantization. 

-pdqmin <int>

Set the primary display minimum value for quantization.

-pdqmax <int>

Set the primary display maximum value for quantization. 

-pdqdit <float>

Set the primary display "dither" value for quantization.

-rsd <boolean> 

Toggle the rendering of the secondary displays on or off

Render Engine
-rmode <int>

Specify the render mode. The following values are available:

  • ‘0’  Render

  • ‘1’  Save RIB

  • ‘2’  RIB Archive

-bo <int>

Specify the bucket order to be used. The following values are available:

  • ‘0’  Horizontal bucket order.

  • ‘1’  Vertical bucket order.

  • ‘2’  Zigzag bucket order.

  • ‘3’  Spiral bucket order.

  • ‘4’ Circle bucket order.   

-ribfile <string>Specify the RIB filename to create.
-ribbin <boolean>Toggle binary RIB output.
-ribcomp <boolean>Toggle compressed RIB output.
-cpus <int>Define the number of threads to use.
-txm <int>Set the size of the texture memory cache, in megabytes.
-unc <boolean>

Toggle the use of network cache on or off.

-ncdir <string>

Set the network cache directory.

-ncs <int>Set the network cache size.
 None available.
-psx <int>Set the pixel samples to use in X.
-psy <int>Set the pixel samples to use in Y.
-sr <float>Set the shading rate to use.
-pft <int>

Set the pixel filter type. The following values are available:

  • ‘0’  Box filter

  • ‘1’  Triangle filter

  • ‘2’  Gaussian filter

  • ‘3’  Catmull-rom filter

  • ‘4’  Bessel filter

  • ‘5’  Sinc

-pfx <float>Set the pixel filter width in X.
-pfy <float>Set the pixel filter width in Y.
Indirect Illumination & Reflections and Refractions

-rtmaxd <int>

Set the ray trace maximum depth.

Depth of Field


None available.

Motion Blur

-cmb <boolean> Toggle the camera blur on or off.

-cmbs <int>

Set the number of samples for camera blur.

-tmb <boolean>

Toggle the transformation blur on or off.
-tmbs <int>Set the number of samples for transformation blur.
-dmb <boolean>
Toggle the deformation blur on or off.

-dmbs <int>

Set the number of samples for deformation blur.
-mbp <int> 

Set the motion blur position. The following values are available:

  • ‘0’ End on frame 
  • ‘1’  Centered on frame  
  • ‘2’  Start on frame
-soe <float>

Define the shutter opening efficiency.

-sce <float>

Define the shutter closing efficiency.

-sa <float>

Set the shutter angle for motion blur. <float> should be between 1 and 360.

-rsm <boolean>

Toggle autotmatic shadow map rendering on or off.

-shdlnk <int>

Shadow linking. The available values are:

  • ‘0’  Use Light Links. 
  • ‘1’  Use Shadow Links.   
  • ‘2’  Ignore Light and Shadow Links.
-rpm <boolean>Toggle the rendering of the photon maps on or off.
-nbp <int>Set the number of photons to use.
RIB Archives

-arl <int>

Specify how to archive lighting. The following values are available:

  • ‘0’  No Lighting. 
  • ‘1’  Light Linking.  

Light Sources & Light Linking 

-arw <int> 

Set the archive write mode. The following values are available:

  • ‘0’  Reuse existing archive.

  • ‘1’  Overwrite existing archive.

-grar <boolean>

Generate RIB archives toggle.

-iao <boolean>

Ignore archived objects toggle.

-art <boolean>

Archive transforms toggle.

-cgt <boolean>

Concatenate geometry transforms toggle.

-args <boolean>

Archive geometry shaders toggle.

-args <boolean>

Archive geometry attributes toggle.

RIB Fragments 


None available.

MEL Scripts

-preRender <string>

MEL script executed before rendering.
-postRender <string>MEL script executed after rendering.
-preFrame <string>MEL script executed before each frame.
-postFrame <string>MEL script executed after each frame.
-postOption <string>MEL script executed after RenderMan Options are output (using RiOption).
-postWorld <string>MEL script executed before RiWorldBegin.
Misc Options

-bsx <int>

Set the bucket size in X.
-bsy <int>Set the bucket size in Y.
-gs <int>Set the grid size.
-es <int>Define the eye splits.
-tms <boolean>Toggle the translation of Maya materials on or off.
-ums <boolean>Toggle the use of Maya materials on or off.
Shave & Haircut
-3dfmshave_<boolean>__Load or unload the 3dfmShave plugin.

3Delight's 'renderdl' Command Line*

Batch rendering can also be launched using 3Delight’s standalone renderer renderdl provided the scene have been exported to a RIB File using the Render Engine's Render ModeExport RIB File Only. When rendering using the command line renderdl, many parameters are supported to further control aspects of the rendering process. The following command lists the available parameters:

renderdl -h

For a complete description of 3Delight's standalone renderer renderdl refer to 3Delight Studio Pro User Manual.pdf (in the PDF: chapter 3.1 Using the RIB Renderer - renderdl).

*Available with 3Delight Studio Pro package

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