
The Environment Light uses a user-specified image, often an high dynamic range one, projected on an infinitely large sphere to light the scene.

Since they tend to interfere with object selection, Environment Lights are not shown in the Viewer.

Only one Environment Light may be rendered at a given time. An Environment Light and a Sky Light cannot be rendered together.

An environment light in the GafferThree node parameters.

Object Parameters

The Object tab of an environment light.

Visible to Camera

Specifies if the environment will be visible to the camera, resulting in filling the rendered image background with the environment.


The transform applied on the environment light. Only the rotation will have a visible effect in a rendered image.

Material Parameters

The Material tab of an environment light.

Image Name

Specifies the texture file to use as an environment map.


Defines how the texture will be mapped on the environment sphere. The available options are:

Spherical (latlong)





Background Contribution

A multiplier applied on the environment appearing in the rendered image background. This parameter has not effect unless the Visible to Camera parameter in the Object tab is turned on.