Logikoma with simple outlines from "surface color" AOV (image credit: Paolo Berto Durante)


Outlining are typically used to define silhouettes and to outline features when doing toon/anime rendering or illustrations.

Outlines are often combined to CEL/toon shading, a type of non-photorealistic shading designed to make 3D computer graphics appear to be more "flat", for example in Maya the "Ramp Shader" offer this kind of look. However there are no artistic restrictions and outlines can also be combined with PBR-style rendering to develop more hybrid, photo-surreal and artistic looks

3Delight for Maya can perform outlining on any number of any desired Image Layers, including:

Furthermore 3Delight powerful layer display subsets allow to isolate the detection on specific Maya sets only.

Advantages of using the 3Delight outlining system:


An example scene can be found at this location inside your 3Delight installation: $DELIGHT/example/maya/outlines.


The Outlining subgroup

Draw Outlines in this Layer

This attribute enables drawing of outlines for the selected layer. This can be seen as an indicator of which layer receives the outline. It is set to off by default with the exception of the "outline" auxiliary AOV which receives outlines by default.

Generate Outlines Using  this Layer

This attribute enables outline generation using the specified layer. Good image layers for detection purposes are the ones with sharp color discontinuities which facilitate the detection algorithm. When multiple image layers are used for generation (detection), they will be combined and drawn together and hiding will be resolved according to depth informations.

Usually (a combination of) the following auxiliary image layers, available in the AOV Selector or in custom shaders, are used to generate outlines:

There is a wide range of artistic possibilities as any number of AOVs (including masks, auxiliary and custom ones) can be used to detect outlines, regardless of how stable they are it is up to you and your artistic purposes to define the look.

When this toggle is enabled, a part of the UI becomes sensitive to set the parameters of the outlines.


Outline parameters become sensitive for layers generating the outline.



Specifies the color of the generated outline. It is set to white by default.

Outline Width

Specifies the width of the generated outline. It is set to ‘0.2’ by default. Values between ‘0’ and ‘1’ are allowed, producing very fine outlines. In this case it is recommended to raise the Pixel Samples attribute (in the Quality group or rendering attributes) in order to avoid aliasing of the outlines. Next to this attribute, there is an option menu to determine how this width should be interpreted. The available options are:

PixelsThe filter width is a number of pixels.
% of Frame Width

The filter width is taken as a percentage of the image resolution in X. 


Specifies the sensitivity of the outlining. The higher the threshold the more sensitive is the edge detection. For example, when detecting variations on ‘z’ (depth), a value of ‘0.1’ means that if there is a gap of ‘0.1’ between two surfaces (in the z direction) then an outline will be generated. This attribute is set to ‘0.1’ by default.

Depth Based Fadeout

Specifies the edge thickness fadeout with depth. It is off by default.

Min Z
Max Z

These two attributes specify the depth range on which the fadeout will be performed. By default, "Min Z" is set to ‘0.0’ and ‘Max Z’ is set to ‘1000.0’.

 Min Filter Width

The depth based fadeout will keep outlines with a minimum width specified by this attribute. Its default value is ‘1.0’. 


Note that you can override the color and the width scale (thickness) of outlines on a shader-basis, by tweaking the relative attributes in any Maya ShadingGroup nodes: both accept texture mapping with any Maya shading node/network, and will use the UVs coordinates inherited by the geometry to which the surface shader is applied.