8.0.18 - Upcoming
- Layer's Outlining Color attributes are now color-managed (issue 6051).
- Fixed IPR errors introduced in 8.0.16.
8.0.17 - 2015-10-24
- Added support for the following attributes of a perspective camera (issue 6014):
- Shake Enabled
- Shake
- Shake Overscan Enabled
- Shake Overscan
- Film Translate
- Film Roll
- Film Roll Order
- Film Roll Pivot
- Fixed an possible issue when calling DRP_buildShaders (issue 6001).
8.0.16 - 2015-10-10
- Added a "Pre-Release" tab in the 3Delight Preferences window.
8.0.15 - 2015-09-25
- Fixed issues when manually calling DRP_buildShaders(string $render_pass) (issue 6001).
- Fixed issue where selecting a camera shape that has an image plane would not offer imager shader assignment (issue 6002).
- Fixed possible MEL error when rendering in Maya 2015 Extension with color management enabled.
- Fixed issue with texture color profile detection in Maya 2015 (non-extension).
8.0.14 - 2015-08-25
- Fixed the render log generation on Windows, when using the Export RIB File and Render render mode. This was missing since 8.0.8.
8.0.13 - 2015-08-01
- Cumulates 3Delight changes since previous package.
8.0.12 - 2015-07-31
- Fixed an error related to the Compensate Gamma of Shader Colors setting when working on an existing scene.
- Fixed an issue when changing the Monitor Profile setting for an existing scene may render with shaders using incorrect color values.
- Fixed a performance issue on Mac OS X. Rendering from maya would not use all available CPU on laptops which get too warm.
- Using velocity data to render motion blurred nDynamic Instancers. So they will render slightly differently.
8.0.11 - 2015-07-25
- The name of a node connected to a message extension attribute on a 3DelightVDBShape is now passed as a shader parameter (issue 5956).
- Single numeric attribute children of multi, compound extension attributes on a 3DelightVDBShape are now passed as float array shader parameters (issue 5956).
- Fixed an issue producing errors when trying to render some XGen objects on Windows.
- Added a Compensate Gamma of Shader Color Attributes option in the Common tab of the Render Settings, in Maya 2015 Extension and more recent. See this page for details.
8.0.11 - 2015-07-23
Cumulates 3Delight changes since previous package.
8.0.9 - 2015-07-10
- This is the last package that supports Maya versions 2011 and 2012.
8.0.8 - 2015-07-10
Fixed broken Export RIB File and Render render mode on Windows. Please note that this render mode will not produce a log on Windows; this will be fixed in the future. This bug has been discussed in a forum thread.
8.0.7 - 2015-07-09
Cumulates 3Delight changes since previous package.
8.0.6 - 2015-07-02
- Extension attributes on 3DelightVDBShape nodes are now passed as shader parameters (issue 5956).
- Cleaned the Extra Attributes section of 3DelightVDBShape nodes (issue 5961).
- Fixed crash when rendering OpenVDB nodes and motion blur (issue 5959).
8.0.5 - 2015-06-29
- The list in the Create Render Pass from Template sub-menu is now sorted in alphabetical order.
- The OpenVDB node now allows the use of the '#' sequence number character in the file name. Note that this node is now automatically connected to Maya's time node.
8.0.4 - 2015-06-26
- Fixed possible crash when using "Create Map" option on a XGen description's attribute (issue 5945).
8.0.3 - 2015-06-18
Cumulates 3Delight changes since previous package.
8.0.2 - 2015-06-11
Cumulates 3Delight changes since previous package.
8.0.1 - 2015-06-10
- Fixed broken swatches for the sphere & teapot primitives.
- Added 3Delight → About... menu item.
8.0.0 - 2015-06-08
- Another attempt to fix broken Shadow Objects attribute of a Light Attribs Node when assigned to a light casting ray-traced shadows (issue 5876).
- Added a shadow object set attribute in all light shapes, under the 3Delight group. (Note: It will be overridden by assigning a light attribs node that contains the "Shadow Objects" attribute, and it has the same function).